jobe05 said:DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!
I know from experience that it will implode a one gallon jug.
Theres no gauge or way to tell what HG you pulling. If you could hook up a gauge between the unit and the jug and keep it between 15HG and 25 max HG I would say use it, but if no gauge, no use!
I have one that pulls microns but i would be afraid to use it on the glass carboy.jobe05 said:That not the type of gauge I was refering to, just a simple in line gauge should work.
Yea, I was using a food saver bag sealer when I imploded my jug. he gallon jugs are thinner than the carboys and will implode long before a carboy, but a carboy has a lot of wall space if ya ask me...... and glass don't like to bend much.
A single gauge to read what pressures you are at would be an absolute must if ya ask me.
An AC vacume pump don't go much beyond 25 HG do they?
wade said: