So...I stumbled upon a bottle of Anciano 7 Year Tempranillo...picked it up out of province at a super good sale price...$8.95 compared to $15.99 locally...
I decided to crack open a bottle of my one year old World Vineyard Spanish Tempranillo for comparison...
A couple of things off the bat...body is very legs are very similar...
Smell...Anciano has more oak up front...WV has slighty more fruit\candied smell to it...less oak up front... damn do I like a Tempranillo LOL!!!
They are very close fact I'm guessing if I had made the Selection with grape skins it would have been closer yet!!
In all honesty...didn't think it would be that close or as close as it was...maybe it's just the way Tempranillo is???

I decided to crack open a bottle of my one year old World Vineyard Spanish Tempranillo for comparison...
A couple of things off the bat...body is very legs are very similar...
Smell...Anciano has more oak up front...WV has slighty more fruit\candied smell to it...less oak up front... damn do I like a Tempranillo LOL!!!
They are very close fact I'm guessing if I had made the Selection with grape skins it would have been closer yet!!
In all honesty...didn't think it would be that close or as close as it was...maybe it's just the way Tempranillo is???