Is advice from winoes reliable?

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Arctic Contributor
Oct 26, 2008
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Hey gang, Excuse my sarcasmn. I sure do appreciate evreyones input in here. But I have to ask this, in my very sarcastic nature. We are ,after all, making alcohol here . LMFAO. So I am wondering if it is better to seek and follow advice at a given part of the day, or just go for it and hope those who give advice aren't in their testing room.:D I had two turkeys in the smoker earlier this evening, were going for a couple hours, when I went to add more wood, well I discovered I had never actually put the birds in the smoker, they were still in the frig. I did this knucklehead move just thinking about making wine. I'm afraid if I do enjoy any successes in the wine making hobby, I may find one of my cats in there. one of these days! Okay, I know it's sarcasmn, but it is just a thought!
Good Care All
Hey !!!!
I might be a knucklehead but not a drunk knucklehead. :D

During weekdays I never drink more as 1 glass of wine in the evening. And I mean a wineglass not a carboy :p

In the weekend I drink more, and of course I have to taste when I am bottling (also just in the weekends).

So me being a knucklehead is just my natural way and not caused by alcohol :rolleyes:

Geez, perhaps it's my tasting thats getting the best of me(loud laugh). Maybe my patience and persistence are conflicting!! But someone, as you said , has to test it. I'm not sure if I am a knucklehead, but I am the un-quaulified tester and I am half Polish , so I'll be making wine for a while, as long as I can remember where I stored it. (ha ha ha)Good Care
Maybe some of us are knuckleheads but for some of us wine making is now second nature and even with a few drinks down we know what we are doing, some of us may have different ideas and typically there are many roads to take to get to that same house so none really are wrong.
Well Sid
You won't be getting much advice from me because I don't know enough to give any. I will say I have to be careful what I type after a one cup sampling of my "Redneck Wine", Did I mention that my cup holds close to 28 ounces :D
If you're concerned about the advice given I suggest you get a good wine making book so you can do the research on your own and have better understanding of the that is good sarcastic advice!
I do hope you all know I'm just messin with ya. I absolutely re4spect yalls advice and answers. Thats why I come here, and thats why I make sure I remind you of that everytime I log on. So for now, Take care and thanks again for everything.
Best Wishes
better than advice from tee-totalers.

... or prohibitionists. I could see that exchange now... :eek:

arcticsid: "I'm not seeing any activity in my airlock. Should I worry?"

proh1: "Absolutely. Alcohol is the work of the devil. Pour down the sink immediately and get a glass of water."

proh2: "Don't add yeast! It'll wreck your grape juice and lead you down the patch to hell!"
Aside from operating machinery, anything worth doing is only enhanced by doing whilst drinking wine. That said, I make it a point not to cook breakfast:p:
Aside from operating machinery, anything worth doing is only enhanced by doing whilst drinking wine. That said, I make it a point not to cook breakfast:p:

Doesn't wine have all the basic breakfast food groups?
Julie, I was just thinking the same thing. Troy was back! then I realized it wasn't the case... has ANYONE heard from him? Hate to think something bad happened but that guy was on here all day long and now nothing at all.

Geesh I hope he is alright:sn
Ya but didn't it feel good to read something that a good friend has posted for all of us to read we all wish Troy and Leanne the best as we all look forward to this Christmas season
Merry Christmas where ever you two are
Julie, I was just thinking the same thing. Troy was back! then I realized it wasn't the case... has ANYONE heard from him? Hate to think something bad happened but that guy was on here all day long and now nothing at all.

Geesh I hope he is alright:sn

Ya but didn't it feel good to read something that a good friend has posted for all of us to read we all wish Troy and Leanne the best as we all look forward to this Christmas season
Merry Christmas where ever you two are

I hear ya guys, ditto from me.
I think the ditto can come from all of us...... can you imagine if all of us could get together for a day or so and bring samples.....
thats the only bad thnig about getting to know people online only, you get to know them and then for one reason or another they vanish for a week or months and you think to yourself I hope they're alright but thats all you can do is wonder. We have known this one lady for over 10 years online have never met her but she is like family, we talk everyday but about a month ago she poofed and we haven't heard a word since. A day or so you don't think nothing of it but after a bit you start to wonder then worry, so keep in touch when you know friends.

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