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Im not having any problems, try restarting your computer as sometimes it just gets goofy.
I restarted but still only see some. Most are the question mark guy including mine.
I couldn't see it before. I had it on Photobucket. I just now uploaded it directly and I can see mine but not yours or Appleman's.
I can see everyone's...Some of you need new ones....... for spring....You know...a fresh look.

I would have one...but...wouldn't know what to use.
They're all back!!! Whooohoo!

Carry on!

NW, How about using one of your beautiful garden photos?
I can never see any of the pics that get posted to photobucket, as that is one of the sites the Navy blocks.
PeterZ said:
I can never see any of the pics that get posted to photobucket, as that is one of the sites the Navy blocks.

Sorry to hear that Peter....It seems the only way I can get photos up on this Forum...other places I can UpLoad like a wiz.
Don't you have a computer at home that the Navy doesn't control? I can certainly understand orgs like the Navy controlling ingoing and outgoing traffic with all the ways that stuff is spread nowdays. You may need a laptop with your own profile and use a hot spot for accessing the internet.
I do have numerous computers at home with extremely high speed access (I am a computer geek after all) but my job with the Navy involves a lot of "waiting for the phone to ring" so I hit the forum while waiting. Once I get home, after doing my bank account checks and my mail check (also blocked by the Navy) I am ready to not compute.

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