It's been brought to my attention...

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That sucks in so many ways I wish you would refrain from making such staements as it kills me to hear such......... oh man if it wasn't so far away......seriously I do hate hearing stuff like that but hewy if nobody gets them you can't keep them forever right??

I guarantee you Eddie no winemaker will allow fruit to be tossed.
I'm just yanking Wade's chain trying to get him going. I gave away the last of them this spring to another member of the forum who shAL remain anonymous. I just couldn't take proper care of all the currant children so I let Wade and the other person adopt them from me.

Getting way off topic here............ sorry guys
Man does my chain get yanked often here! Its amazing i still have a chain! Its time to switch to the whip!!!!!!!:w

Reminds me of what I saw once in the computer when I stumbled onto a dom video...... Better get the ropes too Julie.