Juice extracts.

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Feb 28, 2021
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I have purchased a couple of gallon bottles of juice extracts from Homebrewit. I am wondering if there are any issues with using those vs fresh or pressed fruit?
What is the ingredient list statement on the products you ordered? ,,,, The LD Carlson products have a pdf available.

I have not tried the LD Carlson 128 oz products on HomeBrewIt.Com but I have tried several of the 4 oz BrewersBest which use the same product description. From using the 4 oz I would suggest take a neutral white wine and a 5ml syringe (pharmacy has them to give kids meds) and try the flavor to pick out a useful range. The 4 oz product was unnatural at recommended usage rate. If I have hunted your product correctly they start with mentioning corn syrup which makes me guess that they are a lab bench creation which will have high sugar and need to be supplemented with other nutrients (ie Fermaid). Fresh fruit as well as frozen concentrates will have vitamin and minerals which are required for yeast growth and probably ? ? are different from what you ordered.

If the product contains propylene glycol and sodium benzoate like 4 oz raspberry you will be able to ferment it after dilution. The 8 oz Amoretti product reads as if it is made with the crop that is named on the container, therefore it would be balanced.
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Yes this is the LD Carlson fruit wine base and the first listed ingredient is fermentable corn syrup.I plan adding the appropriate amount of yeast nutrients also.
Just an update here. The fruit base with yeast nutrient added. Is happily bubbling away in the primary 5 gallon fermenter. The 1 gallon Cabernet has me worried. Not much activity at all.
Just an update here. The fruit base with yeast nutrient added. Is happily bubbling away in the primary 5 gallon fermenter. The 1 gallon Cabernet has me worried. Not much activity at all.

Do you have a hydrometer? Measuring the SG is the only sure-fire way to know how your fermentation is proceeding.
From the posts you've made so far it sounds like you are just getting started in the hobby.

At first you need to be taking SG readings about every other day. You don't HAVE to but it will let you keep track of how the fermentation is progressing.

It's common for folks to post a request for help on here but sadly, in many cases they have already made a mistake or waited a bit too long and then face more work to 'fix' the issues.
Like taking notes on the process, you can't take too many notes and taking an SG reading even everyday is not a bad idea until you start to get a good idea on how the process progresses. Keep in mind also that the weather (Mainly Temperature) can have a significant impact on how a ferment progresses. Too warm or too cold and you can have issues.
From the posts you've made so far it sounds like you are just getting started in the hobby.

At first you need to be taking SG readings about every other day. You don't HAVE to but it will let you keep track of how the fermentation is progressing.

It's common for folks to post a request for help on here but sadly, in many cases they have already made a mistake or waited a bit too long and then face more work to 'fix' the issues.
Like taking notes on the process, you can't take too many notes and taking an SG reading even everyday is not a bad idea until you start to get a good idea on how the process progresses. Keep in mind also that the weather (Mainly Temperature) can have a significant impact on how a ferment progresses. Too warm or too cold and you can have issues.
I keep a note book on every batch of wine I am making, including starting and ending SG, all ingredients and quantities added, plus any additional things like pectin enzyme or tannins etc. my apartment temperature is always kept at 70 degrees. Based on your advice I will check the SG every other day starting tonight and thank you for the advice! Much appreciated!

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