Julie - Rodo, go get your wife.

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Dec 28, 2009
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Here's the plan. Since Runningwolf insists that the two of you are going to break into his wine room. For the small fee of 2 bottles of Winter Bliss, I will distract him so the 2 of you can break in and get away with the goods.

Alternate plan - Runningwolf gives me 4 bottles of Winter Bliss and I'll help him protect the cellar from any possible threats.


We tried a small sip of that Sunday. All I can say is Wow, that is outstanding. Initial aroma you can tell it's higher on the alcohol% side. Flows over the taste buds and you say hmmm, this is really good. Second sip and all the flavors come out as your taste buds have had enough teasing from the first sip. You have truely out done youself. Congrats on an outstanding wine.
Thanks Doug. I may even have a private tasting of the chocolate one at my party. I think I remember Wade saying something about the clothes coming off in my wine cellar...ah never mind forget it! Julie go get your shoes back on! Plus Wynthief will be here this time and believe me I can see his wife plotting with the rest of them. I think I need to go call ADT.
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If the wine dont work Ive heard Tequila makes there clothes fall off.
If the wine dont work Ive heard Tequila makes there clothes fall off.

If it doesnt make them fall off itself, it'll definitely make you forget where you put them.. Might be worth it to make the trip, just to string them all up the nearest flag pole :pic
Here's the plan. Since Runningwolf insists that the two of you are going to break into his wine room. For the small fee of 2 bottles of Winter Bliss, I will distract him so the 2 of you can break in and get away with the goods.

Alternate plan - Runningwolf gives me 4 bottles of Winter Bliss and I'll help him protect the cellar from any possible threats.


We tried a small sip of that Sunday. All I can say is Wow, that is outstanding. Initial aroma you can tell it's higher on the alcohol% side. Flows over the taste buds and you say hmmm, this is really good. Second sip and all the flavors come out as your taste buds have had enough teasing from the first sip. You have truely out done youself. Congrats on an outstanding wine.

All right I'm in. Forget the alternate plan, I have my own alternate plan and mine will work before yours. I'm getting Sue on my side. I told Mike he had to couph up more than a couple of bottles of his beer, Sue will giving me more than 4 bottles of Winter Bliss!
All right I'm in. Forget the alternate plan, I have my own alternate plan and mine will work before yours. I'm getting Sue on my side. I told Mike he had to couph up more than a couple of bottles of his beer, Sue will giving me more than 4 bottles of Winter Bliss!

Operator: "911 whats your emergency?"
Dan "I have streaking bandits raiding my wine cellar"
Operator "sir, whats the name of your wine cellar/"
Dan "Running Wolf"
Operator "Screw the police! I'm coming over myself. Can I at least wear shoes?"