* oxidized wines are bad, tannic reds tend to be bad, whites and fruit wines aren’t too bad, the effect is worse the later in the day
* am not surprised to hear a covid link, Prilosec does kidney damage and the number is/ was a death increase of 11 per 10,000. The kidney damage may not be visible before an autopsy
* I can pretty much eat anything through lunch, for me the closer to bed time, the worse the GERD, , , as said a sphincter is weak and horizontal encourages burping acid
* some foods are wierd, example a frappe from DairyQueen gives a problem where as one from McD doesn’t, a guess is that DQ uses a highly stabilized ice cream mix, dark roast coffee is bad & light isn’t, greasy smoked ribs and smoked chubs are bad, however one or two ribs are OK and half a rack is bad, butter is better than shelf stable processed oils
* stomach acid can cause a pneumonia in the lungs and irritate the vocal cords
* you will come across folks who have been on a PPI for decades, neighbor Bob started a PPI after a heart attack close to 20 years ago, it is a risk factor but life goes on, the problem is fairly common with the US diet
* the first drug the doctor had me on caused runs, there are a few choices

it actually works well having dinner with wine for breakfast and cereal or salads for dinner time. We are retired so make rules that work