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Looks awesome! I just did my first batch and it doesn't look that clear.
You gonna start cuttin wheat that soon/? Usually around July 4th here and down at the lake a week earlier. The lake is so full maybe I ought to road trip and see how the southern skeeter pee is. lol Arne
Thanks all for the comments. They really did clear up nice....much clearer that the pic's show.

Arne.......we went thru a dry spell and it did hurt our wheat and it is going to be earlier this year. Especially with these 90's and 100 degree days with plenty of wind, it's turning fast.
But load up and come on down, we would be glad to meet ya and we could throw some big a$$ steaks on and do a little 'sampling':D

Might even put ya in the combine or maybe the truck to haul it to town.

Later........ WB