Just joined the sucked my bung into carboy club

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Nov 5, 2010
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Well, I was excitingly pumping away on my vacuvin thingy to degas. Took the bung out to top off a little more than reinserted (after dipping in star san). Started pumping again and....Pop. I did a search and I know how to get it out but my question is more like when.

how long do you guys think it will be ok in there for. here are my options as I can't do it tonight, going out of town for work and then for vacation.

At this point on the kit (super tuscan) it is supposed to sit for 2 weeks.

My options:
3 days
9 days
or 21 days.

I'm thinking if the wine is looking clear at the 9 day point to go ahead and rack to another carboy and start bulk aging.

But the other part of me is saying get that bung out ASAP, which would be 3 days from now.

Any opinions appreciated.
I would be worried about your wine starting to taste like rubber.......I'm not sure how long that would take, but if it were me, I probably would't let it sit in there for too long.
Bung in Wine

I figure that bung isn't coming out until you've emptied the carboy. If you are at the point of degasing, you're fairly far along with you wine. I don't think it would hurt if you racked the wine into another carboy (if you have one). Then you can fetch that little bugger out of there. More then likely the bung material is inert and can withstand wine just as a synthetic cork does. I'm sure you want to get it out though, so it's up to you.

One way or another you will have to get the bung out. How about this idea... turn the carboy upside down so the little bugger falls to the bottom. Thread three or more metal wires through the hole in the bung. Each wire should have as much bend as you can tolerate and still get it through the bung hole. Rotate each wire in opposing directions. Gently pull to extract. You could also use a sheetrock anchor. Thread the sheetrock anchor through the hole then use a screwdriver to expand the end. When the end has expanded enough to get a grip on the bung, grabe it with a vice grip and yank the sucker out.

Good luck!!!

first of all...welcome to the bung stuck in the carboy club

second, dont worry about leaving the bung in..afterall remember your bung is essentially in w the wine during the life of the aging time anyways...there is NO issue

third...if you need to get it out now or down the line the easiest way for now is rack out wine and or wait till it is all aged and then get a little plastic shopping bag and insert bottom end into carboy while holding the neck of the bag in your hand and make a small neck out of it so that you can blow into it like a balloon.....just prior to blowing the air in to the bag, tip the carboy upside down and allow it to fall near the carboy neck, so that when you do blow into your bag balloon it will capture the bung, now slowly pull the balloon bag out...maintain pressure in the balloon w a tight grip on the bag....it works like a charm, it may take you a couple of tries on the first go around, but it could not be simpler...i think there is even a you tube video of this being done
If you have another bung from the same lot as this one, smell it! If it smells like rubber I would rack ASAP into another carboy. SOme of them are horrendous smelling. I have had to dump a couple small gallon batches that were too close to the bung. They picked up a horrid rubber taint. Most however are fine like AL said, so they aren't a worry.
I agree with Grapeman. Some of the rubber bungs can smell and also leave a taste in your wine. Im not sure if it will do it to a 5 gallon batch but it will do so to 1 gallon batches. Id play it safe and get it out ASAP.
question...where does one purchase smelly bungs ? :) just so i know not to purchase from the source :) never have come across one thankfully!
Not sure bit out f the 30 or so I hav Ive only come across 2 and I threw them out. I havent coe across one in a few years now so maybe theyve figured it out and done away with them or maybe it was a bad batch?
Same here. I got a few a few years ago and after using and throwing a couple gallons away, I threw the bungs away instead. They just plain smelled like rubber.
Thanks guys......I'm not too sure if this bung stunk. I put in a different one but won't be home to smell it until Monday. I don't particularily remember this one stinking. After all my searches I can only find one guy who left the bung in his beer during fermentation and said it turned out fine. Most others decided to rack right away. I haven't really found anyone that claimed it ruined a batch, except for you guys above. Anyhow, I'll probably be safe and go ahead and rack it on Monday and report back if it affected the wine at all.

So the real question now is.....
I just stabilized it so

Do I rack off what sediment is there

or do I mix it all back up and take everything over.
IMO I'd just rack it and pull the bung from the carboy. Chalk it up to part of your clearing procedure.
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Ok. I racked the wine into a better bottle. Good news. No rubber smell or taste after three days with a bung sitting in it. Bad news, I went from this 23 liter glass carboy to a 6 gallon better bottle and the better bottle didn't hold all of it. This might explain why I had to add 1 and a half bottles of merlot to top off originally.

So I dumped the lees and all in a container and covered it and put it in the fridge. What can I do with that wine once it separates. Can I put it in a beer bottle and let it sit for 3 months for my next rack or should I just dump it? I don't know if I will be able to eliminate the headspace completely.
Well, youy can let it sit in your beer bottle and top off withit, you can dump it, but why waste it, you can drink it, won't be as good as the finished product, but probably still drinkable, or you can start a batch of skeeter pee with it. Just dump the wine lees and all for your starter in the batch of skeeter pee. Should take off like gang busters. Arne.
Wow, I just watched the video on-line about removing the bung from the carboy with a tee towell. Worked like a charm. Who would have thunk it.

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