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heck, for $3600, I'll drive from Florida with our bucket truck and burn it all in a corner of your yard! Seriously though, best of luck!
Waldo, it's hard to tell how big that tree is but if anyone of them wants over a $1000.00 it's too much. If you live in the city limits there might be laws to protect business, if so it might beunlawful for you to handle it yourself.
I say keep it until it dies, then figure out if an outsider can remove it and proceeded from there. You provide the wine and food, I'll bring the chain saws.

I am a member of that arborist forum. I used it to learn which chainsaw was the right chainsaw for me and to learn how to sharpen the chains. I now cut my own trees down when they need cutting down. I burn what I can and split the rest for BBQ if its the right kind of tree. I agree, you should be able to get that tree cut down for around (less really) $1000. I mean absolutely no offense by this its just the way it is so I apologise now, but there should be alot of Mexicans in your area Waldo, that generally drives the price down for those kinds of service.
Waldo....Thank God that no one treated me or appleman like your tree!!!I(like appleman) have also been indirectly hit!...lol Even though the pieces have been drive deep your tree doesn't look severly injured! One member suggested black paint and they weren't far off!!! Check out your local hardware stoe and see if they have anything for covering the bare spots that develope at the base of older trees...Ya know ....when the bark comes off and buggy's move in. Yurold tree will be fine and you'll be sittin in it's shade in no time. Those so called arboists are just lookin to make a buck. I can remember walkin though forests in KY that had 100's if not 1000's of tree's hit with no care that where fine and dandy....so will yur's be!


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