Kennedy Killing - Conspiracy?

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Did Oswald act alone

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Well then, Kim, let me explain it to you. She wanted Jack to divorce Jackie and marry her or she was going public. Someone decided to settle "out of court."

Their Dad, Joe Kennedy, was a gangster turned politician. Think Boardwalk Empire.
Also, I think it's somewhat plausible that the "2nd shooter" was an accidental discharge from one of the secret service agents. There are too many things wrong with the shot that killed JFK.

  • The shooter was up high in the building
  • The shot hit in the middle of the back of his head
  • Oswald's rounds were full metal jacketed (not hollow points)
  • The shot blew the top of his head off on the right side. The angles are all wrong and the behavior of the round is consistent with a hollow point.
  • The entry wound was 6 mm, but the caliber of Oswald's rifle was slightly larger at 6.5mm
The Mafia and its involvement of the assassination of President Kennedy has always been plausible to me but it was not until I saw a special on the History Channel(?) that they tied together a very compelling argument for the assassination.

The FBI had an informant in prison who became friends with Marcello who told him of his involvement in the assassination.

I have entered several links ( a long read) but in brief what we have is that the Mafia hated the Kennedy's as the Kennedy's wanted to continue to destroy the mafia.

There was one meeting in which the mafia developed assassination plans for different cities.

Marcello also knew Jack Ruby and supposedly made Ruby an offer that Ruby could not turn down. Kill Oswald or you know what will happen to you.

Jack Ruby was able to get into the police station with a Gun? Jack Ruby had ties with the Dallas police

Oswald was to take the fall as the mafia did not want any of it pointing at them.

The articles are long but it is an interesting read.

I have added a few lines from an ABC interview also.

ABC News: Since you believe that Lee Oswald shot the president, and you also believe that Carlos Marcello was behind the assassination, what connections do you point to between Oswald and Marcello?

Blakey: I can show you that Lee Harvey Oswald knew, from his boyhood forward, David Ferrie, and David Ferrie was an investigator for Carlos Marcello on the day of the assassination, with him in a court room in New Orleans. I can show you that Lee Harvey Oswald, when he grew up in New Orleans, lived with the Dutz Murret family (one of Oswald's uncles). Dutz Murret is a bookmaker for Carlos Marcello.

I can show you that there's a bar in New Orleans, and back in the '60s, bars used to have strippers and the strippers circuit is from Jack Ruby's strip joint in Dallas to Marcello-connected strip joints in the New Orleans area. So I can bring this connection