WineXpert LE Nebbiolo Vs Eclipse Nebbiolo

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Apr 12, 2011
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I thought I shouldn't hi-jack the other thread.
Originally Posted by wineh
. I made the LE13 Nebbiolo, and still have most of a case. Due to my retailer not having a Stag's Leap District Merlot, I bought the Eclipse Nebbiolo, so I'll let you know for sure in a couple of years.

I now have the Eclipse Nebbiolo in a carboy, so here's a few interesting initial observations:
LE Nebbiolo / Eclipse Nebbiolo
grape pack 6.5# / 6.3#
yeast RC212 / EC1118
oak 1 Fr. Heavy, 1Fr. cubes / 2 prem., 3 Amer. cubes
initial SG. 1.07/ 1.078
after squeeze* 1.086 / 1.097
7 day SG .991 / .991
% alc. (ish) 12.45% / 13.9%
* I like to squeeze the grape pack to get the sugar into the must in order to get a more clear idea of the potential alcohol before I pitch the yeast.

So, without even tasting, I think its clear that the wine will be different, with different yeast, lots more alcohol and oak in the Eclipse kit.
So, my Eclipse Nebbiolo has been in the bottle for 6 months. Pulled a cork last night, and it is quite good with tar aromas already, good tannins, cherries and currents on the palate. I liked it a lot, so maybe I won't get a 2 year old bottle until the second batch (going to primary in a week or two).
I drank half my lot between 6-9 a year it turns a bit...waiting a few more months to see if it comes back...should have drank it all LOL!!!
This was the only kit I ever had trouble with. At a year it was very good, 6 months later, it was well for lack of a better term a bit sour.

Wonder if anyone else saw that. I have made 20 high end kits, this was the only one that did that.
My Eclipse Nebbiolo is six months old. Going to keep it in the carboy another 3 months and think about bottling.

Well this thread bump is very timely. Was just on diff sites looking for deals and reading old threads for this one. I don’t do a lot of kits so I try to make em count when I do.
I liked the Nocturnal as well, but since I just started a similar style Du Pape juice pale I’m going with the Nebbiolo. $140 with shipping. Looking forward to it. Sounds like 18-24 months is way beneficial.
This is my first Nebbiolo. Lots of raves about this kit on this site and Matt at LP speaks highly of it as well. So, I pulled the trigger on this one over the RJS.

At 6 months, the wine is beautifully clear and dark, with decent body and flavor. I added a mix of Hungarian and French Med+ oak cubes at my last racking. They were racked off the wine this weekend along with a bit of finer lees and some residual co2.

Dosed at racking. Anymore, I just drop 1/4 teaspoon of Kmeta at the bottom of the clean carboy and mix as the wine is racked over (one less glass to clean).

Also, I topped up with a Bolla Merlot (about 400 ml). I love it when I go to the neighborhood state store and ask them questions like, "Do you have a Nebbiolo?" They look at me like it's the first time they've heard that word and don't know if I'm talking about wine or motorcycles. The answer was, no (finally), so I looked for something I thought might compliment the Nebbiolo. It was a toss up between this and a Sangiovese.
Jim, I didn't bulk age. The wine was bottled a month after the final racking in accordance with the kit instructions.

There hasn't been a need to decant my Nebbiolo; there is no sediment in the bottles. I do let the wine air a bit after opening the bottle.

In buying an equivalent wine at the liqueur store, you may have better luck asking for Barolo. That is the most famous wine that Italian wine makers use Nebbiolo grapes for. Several years ago, wine kit companies used that name for Nebbiolo but got into trouble with the Italian wine DOC authorities.

Barolo generally sells in the $40+ range. I had a Barolo at a dinner party hosted by my future brother-in-law, a wine shop owner. He claimed that he sells that particular vintage for $90 a bottle. It was an excellent wine and I have no reason not to believe his price after tasting it. Even my wife, who does not like dry reds, raved about it. The $45 dollar bottle we followed it up with was very good as well, but it seemed less complex when compared to the former. My Nebbiolo is not as good as that $45 dollar bottle but still a good and enjoyable Barolo representative.
Jim, I didn't bulk age. The wine was bottled a month after the final racking in accordance with the kit instructions.

There hasn't been a need to decant my Nebbiolo; there is no sediment in the bottles. I do let the wine air a bit after opening the bottle.

In buying an equivalent wine at the liqueur store, you may have better luck asking for Barolo. That is the most famous wine that Italian wine makers use Nebbiolo grapes for. Several years ago, wine kit companies used that name for Nebbiolo but got into trouble with the Italian wine DOC authorities.

Barolo generally sells in the $40+ range. I had a Barolo at a dinner party hosted by my future brother-in-law, a wine shop owner. He claimed that he sells that particular vintage for $90 a bottle. It was an excellent wine and I have no reason not to believe his price after tasting it. Even my wife, who does not like dry reds, raved about it. The $45 dollar bottle we followed it up with was very good as well, but it seemed less complex when compared to the former. My Nebbiolo is not as good as that $45 dollar bottle but still a good and enjoyable Barolo representative.

I asked for a Barolo, too. Same reaction.

I would worry that a month in clearing wouldn’t be enough time to degas (that’s why I like 6-9 months in bulk).
I asked for a Barolo, too. Same reaction.

That’s pretty funny considering I also had this exact experience when looking for Nebbiolo before committing to this kit. (Only tasted a Barolo once)
That is, until I checked out a new spot. I asked for Nebbiolo and the owners eyes lit up. He spent a good 15 min with me showing Barolos, nebbiolos, barbaresco, Nero D’Avola etc.. at a wide price range. Offering info out the wazoo on everything. Needless to say I found a new go-to shop where I’m always greeted with the same passion.
Has anyone tried the Mosti Mondiale Meglioli Nebbiolo? Trying to decide whether to order the MM or the Eclipse
We made the Mosti "All Juice Master's Edition" which they call Granbarile, instead of Nebbiolo or Barolo. It's pretty much the same thing as the Meglioli. Unfortunately it's only 5 months old and bulk aging at the moment.
We've made the Eclipse twice, and were pleased with the results.
It depends on how soon you'd like to start drinking it. The MM kits take at least 2-3 years before they're ready to drink, the Eclipse is drinkable at 1 year, but definitely gets better at 2-3.
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Just open a bottle of 3+ year old Eclipse Barolo. All I can say it's been well worth the wait. This wine is really coming into its own.

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