Guess it won't be long before we see and influx of brewsy users asking a million questions about why their wine tastes bad, is fizzy, drops sediment in the bottles, know the drill!!!
I have to agree with NorCal. Brewsy is not for everyone and certainly not for many members of this forum and sure , the idea of making an exceptionally tasting wine in five days is laughable (unless by exceptional they may exceptionally poor) but some of us who bake bread over a few days look at others who turn out loaves in a two or three hours while others happily buy bread from the local supermarket that probably took considerably less time from start to packaging. It's not for me, but it might be for a friend.
Any my mother made a Norwegian Christmas bread called Yule Kaga (LARGE Raisins, Citron, Nutmeg & Cardamon) That was normally a start today finish in the morning affair. (I lost a lot of skin grating those nutmeg "Seeds" things that were about the size of a grape on her hand grater.) I still live for the first loaf of that. When it comes out of the oven. As a child in our family the first loaf never got to cool off. Slathered with butter and devoured.
Ah but I digress and wander about with my memories.
Oh, it was completely undrinkable, but I had no expectation. It did lead me here!
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My mother (being half German, half Norwegian, second generation in America on both sides) made a very similar bread Yula Kaka was the name she always said. I probably am spelling it incorrectly, I see there are recipes out there for jule kake. Maybe I need to try some.
I've heard that there is enough yeast in the air that if you crack the top on a bottle of grape juice or apple cider, wave over it a few times and then let it sit for a couple of weeks with the top on loosely - Presto - Wine/Hard Cider.Mead maker, just chuck some turbo yeast into a jug of gape juice and tell us how it goes. Save $49.