MANGO - Pineapple Wine Ideas

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Today was bottling day for this Batch. I know it's still "Immature" but it certainly tastes ready. The Pineapple dominates but the mango is certainly present.

Backsweetened about a week ago - Measured SG just before bottling at 1.000 - Couldn't believe it. I sweetened to taste and I didn't want to make it too sweet and I think I got it spot on. ABV should be right at 12% Starting SG 1.089 Finished at .995 only a few ounces of water added along the way since I had extra wine in reserve for topping off.

Tonight I am enjoying the benefits of using a 4 liter carboy for aging my wines. 5 Bottles filled and 8.5 ozs of wine left for immediate enjoyment.

Going to have to start another batch ASAP and this one will have to be at a 3 gallon batch. Those 5 bottles may not make it past the 4 of July even with great restraint.
I will increase the mango quantity by about 25% to push that flavor forward. The pineapple is strong in this one.
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