There are several advantages to using marbles. Yes, filling headspace and using them as a buffer separating the lees from clean wine is another. Along with advantages, there are disadvantages that should be mentioned for new winemakers.
The most serious is the possibility of cracking or chipping the carboy when dropping them into the container. The glass to glass force is enough to put small chips in the large container. The chips can likely lead to reducing the integrity of the glass and thus cause catastrophic failure when lifting a full carboy (think about the size/weight of 5 or 6 gallons and where you put your hands when lifting).
The second is pertaining to the buffer. As long as the carboy is not moved, the buffer will remain intact. However, with the marbles in the bottom and not securely set in the cake of the lees, the rolling of the marbles when the carboy is moved will stir up the lees and do just the opposite of the intended use.
Again, I agree using marbles is an option to solve problems with racking and headspace, but solving one problem can lead to unexpected results in another area.