Marijuana surpasses alcohol in daily use for Americans, study finds

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So, my two cents worth. I have been smoking pot since I was 13 in San Francisco. My High School was St Ignatius, and it was on the campus of San Francisco University way back in the 1960's. It was of course only a few blocks from the Haight-Ashbury area. The young Jesuits at SFU were smokers and Tokers. Now 71, I still smoke it and grow my own, but now I vape more. The pens do not reek, and NO ONE KNOWS or even cares. But as I have read these past posts, many people dop it. Now I no longer do it a lot. I drink more than anything else. And wine is my wife's and mine drug of choice. That being said, over the last 50+ years I have some experience in the use of MJ in everyday, but not my every day, life. One can just put a pinch between gum and lip and get stoned. One can smoke it, one can make resin, bake it, make gummies, etc. How do I know? Did it all and am part owner of several dispensaries in the Portland OR area owned by our sons. In TX, it is illegal, but the police look the other way if you are sitting at home and minding your own business (next door neighbor is a cop whose wife smokes with us). What is legal is to grow HEMP with almost no THC. But if one walks into many of the places that sell CBC, it looks like an Oregon Dispensary with different types of buds. But because it is NOT burned, it actually has a low level of THC. but when burned....
But today, I prefer wine. and and
So, my two cents worth. I have been smoking pot since I was 13 in San Francisco. My High School was St Ignatius, and it was on the campus of San Francisco University way back in the 1960's. It was of course only a few blocks from the Haight-Ashbury area. The young Jesuits at SFU were smokers and Tokers. Now 71, I still smoke it and grow my own, but now I vape more. The pens do not reek, and NO ONE KNOWS or even cares. But as I have read these past posts, many people dop it. Now I no longer do it a lot. I drink more than anything else. And wine is my wife's and mine drug of choice. That being said, over the last 50+ years I have some experience in the use of MJ in everyday, but not my every day, life. One can just put a pinch between gum and lip and get stoned. One can smoke it, one can make resin, bake it, make gummies, etc. How do I know? Did it all and am part owner of several dispensaries in the Portland OR area owned by our sons. In TX, it is illegal, but the police look the other way if you are sitting at home and minding your own business (next door neighbor is a cop whose wife smokes with us). What is legal is to grow HEMP with almost no THC. But if one walks into many of the places that sell CBC, it looks like an Oregon Dispensary with different types of buds. But because it is NOT burned, it actually has a low level of THC. but when burned....
But today, I prefer wine. and and

Yeah, it's a "body high," kind of like smoked indica, when I eat sativa – but there's an effect. I don't stumble around with squinty eyes like Cheech and Chong, lol. It works wonders on my degenerating back and knees, acquired through years of physical labor. They'll only let you legally get low-THC weed for medical use in TN, so I never bothered.

I remember rolling through Texas toward New Mexico and seeing all the LEGAL WEED, XX MILES! billboards. 😄 I have always thought that making a plant that grows naturally in ditches illegal was dumb. In TN, psilocybin grows wild, too, on cow patties. It is legal growing on the patty, but once you cut it, it is a felony to possess. Shrug.

Here, if you get caught with plants, or paraphernalia without any pot, or even a seed, you go directly to jail. Your property then becomes subject to seizure and auction, which I think drives a lot of the illegality of it. It's a moneymaker. I have well hidden a glass bong from back in the day that is 47 years old. Never use it, it's a keepsake. Possession of even a piece of glass in that shape is illegal here. Shrug.

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It's sad really, not just the drinking, smoking MJ, or vaping. It's the addiction that goes with it!

I packed up smoking 67 years ago, my only regret is that I didn't bank the cash I was saving! :slp:h

I dunno, there's lots of forms of addiction. It's more due to a personality type than an external substance, though the two work together. For example, there are people who collect dolls WAY beyond their capacity to even store them. Same with collecting tractors – or cars – or even TOY tractors and cars. Some people are addicted to football, and spend their entire year either studying the coming season, preparing for it, or watching games. All those people will spend lots of their time and money to feed those addictions.

Smoking was hard for me to quit because I love the smell of cigarette smoke wafting in a room, probably because my Dad smoked, is my theory. I did not just put them down and walk away, as so many claim to do (after the fact). I quit for 2 years once, and then smoked one cigarette and was back on them again. It's been around 20 years now (I didn't mark the date), and still when I am around someone smoking and smell it, I want one. I have 3 Cuban cigars that I was given and I have had them for years. Don't want to chance it.
Since it's legal in Minnesota now, I sure do notice a lot more stinky skunks in the area! 😂🤣😂

Yep, it is different for me to travel just 350 miles north of here to Illinois and smell pot smoke in bars and restaurants, etc.
I dunno, there's lots of forms of addiction. It's more due to a personality type than an external substance, though the two work together. For example, there are people who collect dolls WAY beyond their capacity to even store them. Same with collecting tractors – or cars – or even TOY tractors and cars. Some people are addicted to football, and spend their entire year either studying the coming season, preparing for it, or watching games. All those people will spend lots of their time and money to feed those addictions.

Smoking was hard for me to quit because I love the smell of cigarette smoke wafting in a room, probably because my Dad smoked, is my theory. I did not just put them down and walk away, as so many claim to do (after the fact). I quit for 2 years once, and then smoked one cigarette and was back on them again. It's been around 20 years now (I didn't mark the date), and still when I am around someone smoking and smell it, I want one. I have 3 Cuban cigars that I was given and I have had them for years. Don't want to chance it.
I quit smoking over 40 years ago - hardest thing I ever did. The woman I was married to then was diagnosed with a heart condition and her doctor told her to quit. I quit to support her. Two years later we divorced, she started smoking again but I never did. I agree with you about the addictive personalities. I’ve known people who just go from one addiction to another whether it smoking, drugs, gambling or what have you. Some are relatively harmless (dolls) and some can be devastatingly destructive.
I know a few people who’ve swapped out alcohol for weed, either for pain relief or just because they like it better.
I would always prefer wine to weed! Not because of the alcohol, but because of the different vintages, different grapes, different fruit. I make and drink wine because I enjoy it. Too much weed and you get stoned, too much alcohol and you get pissed.
Some folks smoke weed as a therapy, me, I drink wine. In moderation, of course!:h
I would always prefer wine to weed! Not because of the alcohol, but because of the different vintages, different grapes, different fruit. I make and drink wine because I enjoy it. Too much weed and you get stoned, too much alcohol and you get pissed.
Some folks smoke weed as a therapy, me, I drink wine. In moderation, of course!:h

You can be a connoisseur of marijuana, too. It's not all the same, by a wide margin – I am told, ahem.
You can be a connoisseur of marijuana, too. It's not all the same, by a wide margin – I am told, ahem.
I own a dispensary. 5%. Sons run it. Retirement $$$. Weed like wine, beer, spirits is all subjective. I personally enjoy dark beer, dark red wine, and anejo tequila. Soomth and mild weed that tasyes good and produces a 3-4 out of 10 high. Like all vices, i don't need to bet F'd up. Just a pleasant buzz.

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