May need to get more corks soon...

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Still lost.....
Sep 25, 2012
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Wow Varis! How much wine have you been making? That was a rockin deal on those corks. :r
Yeah, I didn't run out yet and don't know how many I have left but I have a few batches coming for bottling soon.
If things go as planned this weekend I will bottle around 120 bottles....:tz

Just looking to up the count even though not in a rush right at the moment.
Yeah, I didn't run out yet and don't know how many I have left but I have a few batches coming for bottling soon.
If things go as planned this weekend I will bottle around 120 bottles....:tz

Just looking to up the count even though not in a rush right at the moment.

Okay, you covered in this post what I just asked in a PM sent to you.
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If anyone does see a good deal on corks please share:b
I understand that a #9 would be preferable over a #8 because of the tighter fit but what would be the difference between the long and the short?? :?
longer time span for the wine in the bottle.
Any other option somewhere around that incredible price?
I do the same as Runningwolf. Very happy with Laffite. First custom order is a little expensive, because their setting up a template for you. But its $0.11 after that. Great price, great service, great corks.
Thanks guys.
It was such a great deal from Amazon but we'll see.
Sorry to see that the Amazon deal is gone. It may be temporary. I have seen things come and go on that site. I went into my account and asked for an email notification if and when they are again available. If I get the notification, I will post it on the forum. I am down to about 500 now and have a lot to bottle.