Mosti Mondiale Meglioli 2008

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Thanks for the quick reply. I'm sure everything will turn out fine with all the help this forum provides.
jeffhigdon said:
I picked up the Meglioli Amarone from George this week and I think I'm going to start it today. After reading the instructions however I have a few questions that I hope someone can help me with. They may seems like minor questions, but I don't want to mess this one up.

1. hydrate the yeast with chlorine free water (not distilled or spring). Doesn't tap water have chlorine in it? If so, what kind of water do you use? I used tap water, Ive never had an issue with it.

2. If I'm reading the instructions correctly, the process seems very quick. Step 2 after ~5 days. Step 3 after ~12 days. Step 4&5 after ~10 days. That's a total of 27 days. I'm I missing something? Remember to trust your hydrometer first, the suggested days are more a guide than gospel. I reached step 2 at ~3 days, step 3 today at ~11 days. I will most likely go further on step 4 to allow it to clear (no rush here). I plan to bulk age awhile, so I will hold of on the clarifier's and sorbate.( first kit I've done that sorbate wasn't added at same time as Sulfite's)

3. Has anyone tried dicing the raisins before adding them? I didn't, but they do swell up a great deal, when I squeezed them I broke the skins to get more juice.
Any help would be appreciated.
jeffhigdon said:
I picked up the Meglioli Amarone from George this week and I think I'm going to start it today. After reading the instructions however I have a few questions that I hope someone can help me with. They may seems like minor questions, but I don't want to mess this one up.

1. hydrate the yeast with chlorine free water (not distilled or spring). Doesn't tap water have chlorine in it? If so, what kind of water do you use? I used tap water, Ive never had an issue with it.

2. If I'm reading the instructions correctly, the process seems very quick. Step 2 after ~5 days. Step 3 after ~12 days. Step 4&5 after ~10 days. That's a total of 27 days. I'm I missing something? Remember to trust your hydrometer first, the suggested days are more a guide than gospel. I reached step 2 at ~3 days, step 3 today at ~11 days. I will most likely go further on step 4 to allow it to clear (no rush here). I plan to bulk age awhile, so I will hold of on the clarifier's and sorbate.( first kit I've done that sorbate wasn't added at same time as Sulfite's)

3. Has anyone tried dicing the raisins before adding them? I didn't, but they do swell up a great deal, when I squeezed them I broke the skins to get more juice.
Any help would be appreciated.

One note of CAUTION here JW;
If you add the sulfite and then bulk age for an extended period, either check the sulfite levels before adding the sorbate or add a bit more at that time. If you add sorbate and the sulfite levels aren't high enough and you get mlf going on at all, you will get the geranium smell and the wine won't be very good. That's why they want you to add them at the time of adding the sulfites. I would add all components, let it settle, rack again and THEN bulk age. Check sulfite levels before bottling after extended bulk aging since you will lose some from the extended aging in the carboy.
Appleman,I had read that in one of your post before I believe,made me wonder about there instructions of not adding sorbate with the sulfites.They instruct to do this after clearing (8-10 days) and racking off the sediment.I also question there instructions if bulk aging is desired, not to add clarifiers untill 8-10 days prior to bottling date? They do recomend checking sulfite levels during bulk aging.
I had the same question and called George. He said he checked with the MM folks and they said adding the clarifier after bulk aging left some of the solids in the wine for a longer period of time, enhancing body and flavor. The sulphite is needed to protect the wine during aging and so is added prior to aging, while the sorbate was really there to balance the conditioner in case you chose to use it and so its addition is delayed until then. (I'm making the Meglioli Riesling, which came with a bottle of conditioner.) SoI added the sulphite prior toaging, will wait to add the clarifiers for about 2 months, then give it another month or two before adding more sulphite, the sorbate, and possibly the conditioner.
JW - When you racked from primary to secondary and did the cheese cloth squeeze on the raisins to get all the juice from them, did you santiize your cheese cloth in K-meta? I'll be doing that step tomorrow....
Yes I did, theres a lot of juice in those raisins, so squeeze away!
I see the Feb Meglioli's will be out this week (hopefully)--I'm getting excited. I only ordered one to decide if it's worth the extra $$ but since I haven't been impressed with alot of the red wine kits I've made, I'm hoping this will change that. They were drinkable but in my opinion didn't compare to a good commercial wine. The whites have all been very good so I've been making more of those. I'm now partial to reds with grape packs but I've never tried using raisins.
All indications are these will be very good, of course only time will truly tell. Looking forward to the ME Merlot this month!
I am looking forward to the Barolo. The Banker has approved the conversion of one of the 100 liter stainless steel tanks into a store asset
, soI am going to make 3 of the Meg. Barolo's at once. In case you can't tell, I love a good Barolo.
Cool....what is the plan for cooling due to the exothermic of making 3 kits at once?
masta said:
Cool....what is the plan for cooling due to the exothermic of making 3 kits at once?

If it was me, I would just use 3 primaries for starting it in, then racking into the stainless with the vc lid. That would eliminate the possibility of too much heat buildup. Secondary would take place in the vc tank. If you tried to ferment in the tank, then you would need to rack into something else to clean out the stainless and rack back.
Heat should not be an issue. From what I have read, up to 300 liter tanks, you don't have to worry about cooling. We will find out, though.

It may be extra work, but I plan to do it all in the tank. I want to learn about racking from the tanks, as well, as I think that is one of the big issues. I am using this to also understand how to use one of these puppies.
Using it is one of the best ways to figure it out! Besides, it gives you a better argument to lay claim to it!

Eventually I would like to get a couple used 200-400 gallon stainless bulk tanks- the flat rectangular type. Some of them are self contained with refrigeration. They make ideal primaries. They have a large surface areato depth ratio and you can chill the must for a good cold soak or maceration(using grapes). I wish I had kept the bulk tank I used to have. It was a 400 gallon top fill stainless cylindrical tank on it's side. It was a vacuum type tank so was fully sealable stainless steel. It also had a 2 inch drain with valve. It was also set up to be self washing. That would have made a great secondary- although a bit big. It would hold about 1000 bottles worth of wine!
George, maybe around next fall, when I place an order, and im sure I can slip a bottle or two of that Barolo in there among those fine peanuts?? I'll let you know how ya did!
Reached the end of the instructions today, time to bottle...or Bulk age. So looking at all my options, I could bulk it all, but I would need to add marbles...or I could bottle it all..But I heard Appleman again yelling "leave it alone, its fine where its at!" ( I really need to call him someday, I'm sure its his voice) So I compromised, topped up a five gal carboy to bulk age, checking sulfite levels occasionally, and bottled the remainder. I got four nice bottles, and a healthy glass


Not really sure on the neck label placement, would love to see some others before I stick em on. As for taste, I was very pleasantly surprised considering how young this is, I do believe it will age out very nicely. Another surprise, I see the ME Merlot is scheduled to be delivered today
A little sooner than anticipated, but thats a good thing!
That sure makes a beautiful finished product. The rest will be outstanding in a month or two. You left the most important part out though, how did the glass full taste?
Looks great. I always do the same thing you did (bulk 5 gal and bottle extra). I'm looking forward to starting my Rojo Intenso--it's due to be delivered Friday.

Seems to be the routine, getting ready for work tonight, and HELLO MERLOT! Let her warm up and maybe get started in the morning

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