Mosti Mondiale Meglioli Kits

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Feb 12, 2009
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I just reserved a Meglioli Pinot Grigio, Cabernet Sauvignon, Barolo, and Chardonnay(I got a 100.00 gift certificate for Christmas which I decided to use early to get the better prices
). I have read good things about the Barolo on other threads on this forum and that is why I bought it. Has anyone made the otherthree I mentioned above? If so what were your opinions of them? I know they will be awesome because I made the Meglioli Riesling back in March. I will say I have tried one bottle of the Riesling at 6 months and I thought it was great even at that age. Gave one bottle to my parents and they though it was good. They like sweeter wines better. I have 27 bottles of the Riesling left and don't plan on touching another until after they are one year old. Of course I plan on doing the same with the new ones I just ordered.
I've made several Meglioli's. Of the ones you mentioned, Barolo and Pinot Grigio. They've all been excellent. I plan to let the Barolo age atleast 2 years and keep some for 3 years. In fact I started it in 2008 and haven't even bottled it yet--will prob do so in another month or two. I also made the Riesling, Gewurtztraminer, Rojo Intenso and Amarone. The Rojo Intenso and Amarone are bulk aging. Haven't found one I don't like yet.
I did the Masters Edition Pinot Grigio and it got rave reviews from all my PG loving friends. The Meglioli should be awesome. Am currently bulk aging my second batch of Meglioli Barolo. It is SWMBO's favorite of all the reds I have made.
HI B. J.,
All I can say, is they look and smell great!!! I have a Barolo bulking now. I have a Rojo Grande and Amarone in the bottle(3 months)... I plan of giving them a try in May 2010... I will let you know then.
I also have the Masters Edition and All juice(Barolo and Amarone) in the same stages for a comparison test.
We made the 2008 Meg cab and 08 RojoGrande as well as the 08 Amarone. Bulk aged them for over a year and bottled the Amarone and Rojo last month. Both had such promise at bottling that I boxed up two cases and hid them from myself hoping for a 3 to 4 yearlapse in memory.

Since we generally like Cab so much have decided to make the Cab every year but try to drink it only after two years at the youngest.Adding space to the cellar now......

I have made the Meglioli Chardonnay in 2009 and although I withheld the oak from it, it is smelling quite wonderful now with the tropical fruit aromas characteristic of an unoaked Chardonnay. Do note that the kit came with oak, although I do not remember how much.

- Jim
Thanks for the input on the Chardonnay Jim. I have never had a Chardonnay that was unoaked. Have you tried it yet? If so how would you describe it compared to an oaked Chardonnay? When I ordered the kit I was trying to decide if I would just make it with the oak or maybe do half oak and half unoaked.
PeterZ said:
I did the Masters Edition Pinot Grigio and it got rave reviews from all my PG loving friends. The Meglioli should be awesome. Am currently bulk aging my second batch of Meglioli Barolo. It is SWMBO's favorite of all the reds I have made.

Similarly, we bottled 3 Master's last Spring: Barolo, Amarone, and Pinot Grigio. All 3 are awesome. The 2 reds are good to drink right now and will get better. Have 2 Meglioli's in carboys right now ready to be bottled.

Our MM wine making plans might just boil down to 2: Barolo and Pinot Grigio.
B.J. said:
Thanks for the input on the Chardonnay Jim. I have never had a Chardonnay that was unoaked. Have you tried it yet? If so how would you describe it compared to an oaked Chardonnay? When I ordered the kit I was trying to decide if I would just make it with the oak or maybe do half oak and half unoaked.

I have not tasted that Chardonnay before, however I have tasted several unoaked Chards in the past. In most cases, you'll lose the caramel, toast, or vanilla flavors in an unoaked Chard but flavors like honeysuckle, pineapple, passion fruit, mango, and lemon will come out.

If anyone has made the Meglioli Chardonnay with the included oak, please post your taste impressions.

- Jim