Miss America Contest

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Mar 1, 2009
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Ok so I turned it on because a local girl was competing but didn't even make the first cut. I cannot believe American women even allow this competition to go on. It is so ridicules and I think degrading to other girls. Honestly, I find Duck Dynasty more entertaining.

...or am I just getting too old?
Seems just plain silly to me. I'm amazed at the money these things generate. Then again, reality TV continues to dominate the airwaves. A sad statement on American society, I'm afraid.
Hey, all the contestants know is that pagents are a way to aquire what a lot of women want, fame and money. You can see what they are willing to go through to get it.

I see and agree with your feeling about the Miss America Pagent, but even worse then that are the "kiddie" pagents. To parade a little 5 year old around like she was a showpiece is disgusting! What kind of message does that send to the little girl?

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