Since I'm going away for 3 weeks it will have to wait for the week of July 21 to get another test, hoping it will be just fine, still bubbling away, stirred last night and lots of tiny bubbles coming up....
The first three samples from the left (Malic, Tart, Lactic) are the "control". The dots there indicate where on the sheet you need to look, basically. The next two items (it looks like "Cab/Merlot Demijohn" and "Jug") are the actual wine samples. You will notice both samples have dots at the levels of all three of the acids (Malic, Tartaric, Lactic), but the dots on the malic level appear to be much lighter than the other two. This indicates that MLF is progressing, but not yet done. At the completion of malolactic fermentation, the malic acid should all have been converted by the bacteria to lactic, and there would be no dot on the malic line for the wine samples.
Here's a good write up on Malolactic fermentation:
Did another test last night, checked paper this morning but still see a trace/smear in the center, what you think? this is almost a month after first test in my original post....picture coming up now....
You may simply be degassing, as you said. No harm in running another chromo, just to be 110% certain. But I'd want to be getting some KMeta on that soon.