dfwwino said:Tonight, I began Step 3. I racked the wine into a clean six gallon carboy. I added potassium metabisulfite and potassium sorbate after mixing each with a little water and then pouring it in. The sulfites preserve the wine. The sorbate prevents refermentation. I used my power drill and drill stirrer previously shown in the photos above and stirred the wine in the carboy vigorously for several minutes to degas the wine. Degassing artificially drives off CO2 gas in the wine, which is a byproduct of fermentation. I then used my Vacuvin to further degas (the pump used to preserve wine). I will degas three more times over the next 24 hours. I'll try to take some photos of degassing tomorrow. After degassing, I will add 3 oz. of French house oak Stavin cubes, top up the wine, and let it age 2-3 months until sufficient oak taste is extracted. I will then rack again and add the finings.
Hi DFWino,
This is a great tutorial. I have a few more detailed questions about degassing. I tried the bottle shake/hear fizz test that Waldo gave me and I heard fizz. The good news is that I just got my Fizz X stirrer from George and after sanitizing it, hooking it up to my drill used it on the batch I was hoping to bottle. WOW!! A lot of gas came to the surface...very cool tool and technique.
Now, I have my vacuvin attachment on the universal carboy cap along with the little white cap on the other riser of the cap. I pumped it for several times, but nothing really seemed to happen.
I've used the vacuvin on a bottle of wine and can definitely feel the vacume being created due to less "air space" between top of wine level and the vacuvin attachment. What's the expected outcome after you degas and use vacuvin? Are the bubbles on the top of the surface supposed to disappear as you pump? Is the feelingof the vacuvin supposed to become more difficult as with a bottle of wine? How many times should I go through this process since this has been bulk aging for 6+ weeks? I added 1/4 tsp potassium metabisulfite before degassing (I keep want to call it defizzing
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.