It looks rich!
Nice to see you have an extra quantity in the other bottle.
I didn't have any extra when I made that same kit. That's because I spilled a bunch of it all over the floor... it was my first kit, so what can I say.
You know, I considered it. Well, OK, I did clean it off the wall and then stick my finger in my mouth to taste... maybe more than once (since no body was luk'in).
I did the same thing George warns not to do in one of the videos and left my Primary valve open while I started to pour in my MM All Juice Sangiovese......
Tis a sick feeling indeed to turn around and see red juice flowing all over your floor .......
Probably lost a cup or two of juice but luckily it was all juice and not concentrate so wasn't as bad as it could have been I suppose.
Thats one mistake you only make once, after that you will forever be looking right at that valve before you begin to pour.....