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Aug 23, 2014
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Been fighting moles, but looks like a gopher might have joined them. I just picked up some granules.

Anyone use the stuff??
Granules don't seem to work for me. I have numerous moles and groundhogs on property but none in the vineyard.
Been fighting moles, but looks like a gopher might have joined them. I just picked up some granules.

Anyone use the stuff??

What kind of damage are the moles doing? They are carnivores, so they don't usually damage plants directly. Voles are usually a more serious problem because they will eat bark and roots. They can take up residence in tunnels created by moles.

Consider mole repellents and poisons or predators the voles. We have 3 barn cats that patrol our backyard vineyard. They do a good job as long as the Mrs doesn't feed them too much.

I've had very good results trapping gophers but very little experience on moles. I'm going to get some traps and give it a try.
After several days I checked out the treated areas. So far, greatly reduced activities. I retreated the small spot where one had been recently.
One morning the father mole poked out of his hole and said I smell hot pancakes, the mother mole joined him and said I smell warm bacon. The baby mole stated that from the bottom of the hole, that all he could smell was molasses!
This past March I attended the Nashville Lawn and Garden show at the State Fairgrounds. I was walking around and I saw a video similar to what Blue posted with the Rodenator. This fellow was called Pappy's Mole Service. He had the wand that used propane, he filled the mole paths with propane and ignited it. The moles went BOOM! I so much wanted to buy one of these things but he was not selling them, he was selling the service. It was a hoot. I was talking with him and his wife and I suggested to them that they should get a booth at the gun show. Guys like to blow stuff up and watch stuff get blown up, they might be able to sell their service at a gun show. I told Pappy that moles were eating my sweet potatoes, he said that the voles go into the mole tunnels and they were nibbling on my sweet potatoes. This season I criss crossed chicken wire in an old compost pile, added a 10 inches of soil. I hope that keeps out the moles/voles.

As far as groundhogs I have blocked off all of their holes in a 30 foot long mound except for one. I have a chair set up about 40 feet from that hole. If I see any damage in the garden I make sure the holes are still blocked, sit in my chair with the 20 gauge and vanquish the groundhog when he presents a good target. Groundhogs are evil beings, they can climb a three foot fence and get into my beds. Last season they ate my broccoli, and three different types of lettuce. They are not fond of spinach.
In addition to the mole/vole/gopher fight, due to very dry conditions, squirrels are wiping out my apple and peach crop. Most any other fruit too.
One thing I read was to keep birds and squirrels from eating veggies in the garden was to put out a bowl of water for them. Maybe you could put out some bowls of water around your trees for the squirrels.
When I played that video for my engineer cousin he bought me a hat for christmas. Seam to be a quick and chemical free cure
The best mole control I know is Diazinon applied to the sod, at spring warm up, and every two weeks till June.
As the grubs move up into the warmer soil, kill them.....April-june...

Control the mole food...Control the moles..

Plus there's the added side effects of less japenese beetles,June bugs, borers, ticks, chiggers, exct