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Feb 9, 2010
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In 2014, I did a test run of Montepulciano. It was only a 54 liter demijohn that I ended up splitting with the older brother.

It turned out fantastic, so this year, I upped it to 200 liters (split between me and my older brother). Just took a taste of it last Friday.....

HOLY HOPPING SNOT!!!!! Did this wine turn out great!!

I used my usual nutrient cocktail, rc212 yeast, high end fermentation temp was 89 degrees, MLF (in series) with CH16, and a light treatment of XOV oak (1/2 pound of 4" x 4" squares).

The MLF is complete (noted soft and buttery). Although the wine is lighter in color the hearty body on this wine was amazing. The balance of flavors was unbelievable! The only (very minor) fault in this wine was that it was just slightly overly tannic. This is to be expected in a wine that is only 3 months old.

Sorry to brag folks. For my tastes, I have nailed it! I think that this is the goal for every member here.

I am so happy. I can not wait to have my brother do a tank tasting on this one. Of course, I will kid him by telling him that he only gets 2 cases (LOL).

I tried to get a pic showing the level of color. This is the best I could do with my crappy cell phone.....

I do not know if a whole lot of folks have tried this grape (Montepulciano). In future, If you do run across it, pick some up and give it a try!
A great choice! I've done several batches (Italian-Mosto Bello juice buckets) which have disappeared rather quickly!! A "Best Kept Secret"
A great choice! I've done several batches (Italian-Mosto Bello juice buckets) which have disappeared rather quickly!! A "Best Kept Secret"

I have one that I did in October... currently in MLF. Can't wait for the year-ish time frame to come around to enjoy it!
Hi John, I have made the big M for a number of years. Oldest is 2009 which I opened a bottle for Thanksgiving....fabulous. Another is Amarone or Ripasso that are quite good. Regards
I guess I need to start budgeting that in... with grand daughters in Missouri and other things, my PFD gets consumed pretty quickly.

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