Well tonight I degassed, for about 15 to 20 min., and I had a layer of rubber dust on top of the carboy. I am using the wine wip, it's that curved piece of plastic with the bung attached to it. I think it is called the wine wip. Well I do not know if any got into the wine, I will assume it did. The bung and all was sanitized in 10% sulfite before stirring the bejeesus out of it. If some of the rubber got into the carboy did I ruin the wine?? It is a Buejalais kit, my first one.
No pictures this time, I sort of had my hands full.
I had a taste prior to wipping it and it had a slight odor of sulfur. My wife said it smelled like eggs. I thought it may be from the wine thief, which I sanitized in sulfite, maybe there was some residual in there from the sanitization process. Any thoughts??
No pictures this time, I sort of had my hands full.
I had a taste prior to wipping it and it had a slight odor of sulfur. My wife said it smelled like eggs. I thought it may be from the wine thief, which I sanitized in sulfite, maybe there was some residual in there from the sanitization process. Any thoughts??