My Chilean grapes numbers

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Still lost.....
Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
Just picked up my batch. Combo of Merlot and Cab Sav, 3-2 ratio. Small batch this time with 3 Merlot lugs and 2 Cab Sav lugs.

Merlot brix 23.5, TA .675 and PH 3.47

Cab Sav brix 25.5, TA .60 and PH 3.56

I am leaving this alone and will be pitching 254 soon.
What you guys think?

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Well.....I talked too soon and need to bite my

Checked PH with my PH55 and Merlot came up to 3.68 and Cab Sav 4.00 :ft

I just mixed the batches and stirred well but still the PH is in the high 3.7x

Now checking to see if I have any tartaric acid to bring it down a bit.
Found tartaric acid, adjusted both batches with 2 tsp to each.
PH ~3.56 and 3.57 respectively. Now I am pitching yeasts.

My experiment is that after mixing these 2 varietals, I will pitch D254 to one and RC-212 to the other. Then will blend at press.
Do you have any D80? It is complementary to D254.

Looking good so far.
No, checked and only had the extra 212.

I was going to ferment everything in my 10gal brute but it is way up to the top..!! This Merlot is VERY juicy..!!
So needed to split.