Snafflebit 2024 winemaking thread

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I have big hopes that harvesting these lower Brix grapes will make 2024 a finer wine. I can already taste the difference. No acid adjustments were made.
Color looks great! What low brix? Mid to high 20’s is on the higher side, but should be good for those wines. Should get you between 14%-16% alcohol.
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Color looks great! What low brix? Mid to high 20’s is on the higher side, but should be good for those wines. Should get you between 14%-16% alcohol.
:) If you follow any of my earlier harvests, Brix always comes in higher than I want, either due to heatwaves or due to my brix measurement technique. “Lower Brix grapes” is relative to my sugar bombs in the past.

I will think that I have reached 24-25 Brix in the field but after crush I have 28, once even 29 Brix ouch. I am trying to determine an “offset” Brix when to pick, maybe plan harvest at 23.

Also, one of the vineyards I manage has “health issues” that affect ripening and berry size, and this throws off my schedule. I am considering leaving it out of the winemaking going forward.
I will think that I have reached 24-25 Brix in the field but after crush I have 28, once even 29 Brix ouch. I am trying to determine an “offset” Brix when to pick, maybe plan harvest at 23.
My understanding is that you check the brix of grapes that appear representative of the vine or the row. That strikes me as something difficult to do, and having a larger sample size might provide a better average.
Curious, did you Saignee some off after adding water so the skin to juice stays the same? This is the first year I had to add water. It would be nice to know what you do since you have dealt with this often and the outcome of the finished wine.
Here is how I adjust my batches:
First, I measure Brix and TA of the juice in the must.
The second step is to calculate the expected juice volume in the must. This is a bit of a guess but I assume 65% to 70% of the must volume is juice.
The third step is to calculate the amount of water to add to the estimated juice volume to reach 25 Brix using a calculator I have. There are many online and downloadable apps for computers to do this calculation.
The fourth step is decide if I like the original TA of the juice or do I want to change it. If I want the juice to keep the same TA, I will acidulate the backwater to the same TA as the juice. Or I may decide to reduce the acid by just backwatering.
:) If you follow any of my earlier harvests, Brix always comes in higher than I want, either due to heatwaves or due to my brix measurement technique. “Lower Brix grapes” is relative to my sugar bombs in the past.

I will think that I have reached 24-25 Brix in the field but after crush I have 28, once even 29 Brix ouch. I am trying to determine an “offset” Brix when to pick, maybe plan harvest at 23.

Also, one of the vineyards I manage has “health issues” that affect ripening and berry size, and this throws off my schedule. I am considering leaving it out of the winemaking going forward.
Got it! I dont have a vineyard, but i’ve read that you want to be very random when your sampling. Or, as you said pick at 23 to shoot for 25. Enjoying your post. I pickup my grapes this weekend. Ill try to post some pics of my process.

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