My first Amarone

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MaineGal said:
LOL, now I want to try some Amarone....  Can anyone recommend a commercial brand ?  Thanks

I've had this Tommasi Amarone, and while not the best Amarone I've had, it is a very good example of what an Amarone is supposed to taste like. This one is on sale at the moment. Amarone in italian, means "little bitter", and that's exactly what this wine is supposed to be! It's a highly concentrated sipping wine, that has bitter undertones along with high tannins to pucker the mouth.

I'm a big gin and tonic fan, as well as an India Pale Ale fan (think bitter beer!), so things that are bitter appeal very much to me.

If you are looking for a wine that is cheaper, but similar to Amarone, you can also look for Valpolicella Ripasso, which is a wine made on the pomace of Amarone. It has a lighter taste, but still brings forward that Amarone raisiny taste.
Not likely to be found at any Olive Garden! Only a very upscale ($$$) Italian restaurant.

MaineGal said:
I know sometimes when we go to the Olive Garden, they offer tastings of specific wines....  Maybe I can try it there if they have it.
Go to any good local wine store and they will be happy to help you. Just be prepared to spend about $70 for a good bottle. If you have a Trader Joes close by they have a bottle for a paltry $17. Now that said its not the best Amarone but if you decant it for an hour its very drinkable and you will certainly get that Amarone flavor.

Another possibility is to try a bottle of Allegrini Palazzo della Tore which is made in the same Amarone style in which a portion of the grapes are dried before they are fermented. Its very good and also runs about $18 a bottle.

Hope this helps!

MaineGal said:
LOL, now I want to try some Amarone....  Can anyone recommend a commercial brand ?  Thanks
Let me know how the two compare later on. Of course Iprobably will have started my CC amarone before you find out. Brunello: None of the Brunello kits have raisin or grape packs, wouldn't it be a great candidate for adding some real grapes.

Yep, I really never thought that an Amarone or a Brunello wine kit actually got its grapes from the true source in Italy, but if the kit Amarone is as good as it is, man!!! I'd love to try a really good commercial bottle of the real stuff. The one time I tasted a one-year old Brunello from kit, it was very nice. I doubt any of my wines will make it much passed 2 years, so 10 years is not an issue.

I do love Italian wines. I love tart and I love the earthiness of many of them. I think a true super Tuscan (blend) is about as good as they get. (I just haven't tasted an aged super Tuscan from a kit, yet.)

One oz!!! I think I would go for a deal like that. At least I could get an idea about how it tastes.

It was at Olive Gardens that I first tried a Sterling Vineyards red wine. I have liked them since. They have one of the best presentations of all the wineries in Napa Valley. The winery is high on a hill. To visit it and their tasting room, you have to take a gondola from the parking lot below. Breath taking view! I'll be there in 8 days!!!
DancerMan said:
Let me know how the two compare later on. Of course Iprobably will have started my CC amarone before you find out. Brunello: None of the Brunello kits have raisin or grape packs, wouldn't it be a great candidate for adding some real grapes.

Knowing me I'll forget all about it unless I start searching and stumble upon them. I'll have to give the W/E Brunello a taste. 5 gallons went into a keg and I bottled the other gallon in June. Perhaps I'll try one of those soon. Check out Mosti All Juice Masters Series several have raisins including a couple of the whites.
I wish Mosti would sell just the raisins!
Thank you all for your input. I really appreciate it. I'm going to try to find a reasonably priced bottle before I go and make a kit.

Richard, I hope you have a wonderful time in Napa Valley. Enjoy!!
Yes Amarone is G@@D !
I make 6 gallons a year from Italian Juice. If making a kit make sure raisins are added. BTW let it age in a carboy for at least a year AND once bottled wait another 2-3 years.
If you look in the store the earliest vintage is 4-5 years young. It will get better with age. Best to plan ahead...
Outside of Trader Joe's Amarone for $17 a bottle I think I found the next cheapest yesterday at samsclub. Pretty sure it was a Tommasi Amarone and it was only $29.95!

MaineGal said:
Thank you all for your input.  I really appreciate it.  I'm going to try to find a reasonably priced bottle before I go and make a kit.Richard, I hope you have a wonderful time in Napa Valley.  Enjoy!!
Not all Sams Clubs sell wine. It all depends on the local and state laws concerning the sale of alcohol
DancerMan said:
It was at Olive Gardens that I first tried a Sterling Vineyards red wine. I have liked them since. They have one of the best presentations of all the wineries in Napa Valley. The winery is high on a hill. To visit it and their tasting room, you have to take a gondola from the parking lot below. Breath taking view! I'll be there in 8 days!!!

Went to OG today for lunch. Tried the Sterling Vineyards Cabernet...You are right. It was very good! As I've said before, I'm a new wine drinker. All of the other reds that I've had were too dry and bitter. Most are not appealing to me at all. This one was very smooth. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for the recommendation.
MaineGal give your local wine shops a call and find out when they have tastings. Even one of our grocery stores has a wine tasting every other weekend or so.
I try to go to a free wine tasting every weekend at one of our local liquor stores. (I say "free", but I always end up buying something!
) It is a great experience.

If you like softer reds, try some of the blends, like Curtis red curvee. Of course the pinto noirs are not so bold. Try them.

If you get crazy about wine, like I have, you will have a lot to learn (like I do), and you will have lots of fun (like me!). I started enjoying wine about 6 years ago. It has been a whole new world for me.

Now that I am making some of my own wine, it is like a new culture for me.
I can't imagine life without my church, my wife, and our love of wine.

That's why we spend spring break every year in California's wine country.
By the way, in about an hour, for the second month I will attend our local wine club's monthly get-together. We sample eachother's home made wine and have a great time.

Great people with a common interest - wine.

Try to find a club in your area, MaineGal. Check with your local LHBS. If there isn't one, maybe you could start one.
vcasey said:
MaineGal give your local wine shops a call and find out when they have tastings. Even one of our grocery stores has a wine tasting every other weekend or so.

vcasey, we went to our local wine store and asked about the Amerone. They dont have any in stock, as the girl explained, "Stuff like that tends to grow legs and walk out of here...."

She said she would be happy to order some for us though.

We're going to try one other fairly local store and see if they have it.

Our local grocery had one wine tasting back in September....I dont think it went over well, though, because they have not had any other.
DancerMan said:
Try to find a club in your area, MaineGal. Check with your local LHBS. If there isn't one, maybe you could start one.

I'm going to check with our LHBS.... They always seem to have something going on there. I'd really like to find a wine-tasting group. That would be fun!
MaineGal said:
DancerMan said:
Try to find a club in your area, MaineGal. Check with your local LHBS. If there isn't one, maybe you could start one.

I'm going to check with our LHBS.... They always seem to have something going on there. I'd really like to find a wine-tasting group. That would be fun!
This is how my Wine Club started. If nothing there START ONE !. You will find some come out of the woodwork to join. Dont be afraid if you are new to winemaking there will be some more experienced to join.
Now we get 25-30 at our monthly Wione Club meetings

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