My first blend

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Aug 20, 2010
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Ok this one is a two parter. My wife wants to make a good Pinot Grigio. I have read some of the threads on the Grand Cru, but wanted suggestions from others. The other part is that I wanted to take about half of the almost finished Pinot Grigio and add some blueberry flavoring. I might be totally way off, but for some reason I want to try a blueberry pinot grigio. I have not found much on this. Is there a reason that I dont see much of it? Is it just too strange?
that sounds like it could be tasty...go for it! Do one bottle with and one without. :D
Ok this one is a two parter. My wife wants to make a good Pinot Grigio. I have read some of the threads on the Grand Cru, but wanted suggestions from others. The other part is that I wanted to take about half of the almost finished Pinot Grigio and add some blueberry flavoring. I might be totally way off, but for some reason I want to try a blueberry pinot grigio. I have not found much on this. Is there a reason that I dont see much of it? Is it just too strange?

Go for it. Get yourself some blueberry 100% juice, simmer it down to around 1/2 volume and add (after cooling) to your P.G.

I took a 1/2 gallon of peach mango 100% juice and simmered it to @ 1/4 gallon then added to a riesling (3 gallons). Add sorbate. It was really good.

I did the same with 3 gallons of a Pinot Noir and wild cherry juice. It to was a winner.

Start out with a sample and do a rough measurement to see if you like it.
I did not think about doing that way djrock. I was looking at the blueberry flavor additives from wine makers toy store. Since I am still new to this would I add the juice then stabilize and let clear for another week or two?
I did not think about doing that way djrock. I was looking at the blueberry flavor additives from wine makers toy store. Since I am still new to this would I add the juice then stabilize and let clear for another week or two?

You probably add the juice then let it age awhile as you may get a small amount of sediment. Most likely the manufacture would have removed the sediment but who knows.

Definitely add sorbate and depending how long it's been since the last racking a small amount of sulfite and let it age at least a few weeks for the sulfite to escape.
Go for it. Get yourself some blueberry 100% juice, simmer it down to around 1/2 volume and add (after cooling) to your P.G.

I did the same with 3 gallons of a Pinot Noir and wild cherry juice. It to was a winner.


SO that's how you made the wild cherry Pinot. I wasn't sure if it was a blend of cherry wine and Pinot or how you described. It was good.

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