My first mead (for real this time)

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Methalglyn is the stuff you want to make. Cheers, Tony.
Not necessarily. Some methyglyns are very good, but as with any use of spices, to get it right is heaven, but to get it wrong, well that's hell.

After all, you can always add a little more, but if you use too much, then it's a bugger to remove it......

Think cloves, and you'll follow my meaning......
I know all about cloves... yick! Right now the mead has taking on a more alcoholic flavor and also kinda of a medicinal flavor. I cant wait to see what aging does for this batch.
I know all about cloves... yick! Right now the mead has taking on a more alcoholic flavor and also kinda of a medicinal flavor. I cant wait to see what aging does for this batch.
Well that just sounds like "alcohol hot" to me Seth. That should age out fine, though how long it'll take is anyones guess.
Indeed, im gona wait another month before i try a little more. Just so i can get an idea of how it changes over time.. But im not gona expect anything worth wrighting home about for a while tho.
Indeed, im gona wait another month before i try a little more. Just so i can get an idea of how it changes over time.. But im not gona expect anything worth writing home about for a while tho.
Well if you're feeling a little impatient seth, you can always sulphite and stabilise, then add something to back sweeten it, as that will often mask the alcohol hot flavor......
Pretty good, it dont taste like strawberry corona anymore lol. A little more mellow and more like it tasted a couple months ago.
Been a while, I went and checked on my mead, it currently taste more honey like than strawberry even tho in a bottle it has this curious redish colour to it. When I poured it itno a glass is golden with hint of red in it. The taste was pretty good. Not very boosy at all.. But still a little bitter. This one is gona need more time, which is not surprising considering it is mead.
Ok the currently the mead is 1 year, 1 month, and 23 days old. Do yall have any suggestions on how far to sweeten this one? and with what type of honey? Or perhaps I should let it sit till December till I start messing with it? Considering it is somewhere between 14 and 15% abv
seems like instead of mead you just make strawberry wine sweetened with honey instead of sugar?
I used strawberry margarita mix and a natural strawberry concentrate"extract" to boost the flavor it turned out fantastic!
I've got a mead going now a 1 gallon batch 3 # of honey,orange,cinnamon,clove tea instead of water it smells great I'll let
you know how it turns out.
It isnt old, I just updated my year old thread earlier this morning. I think you jumped into the thread kind of late, but my mead is actually a strawberry melomel and not a strawberry wine that will be sweetened with honey.

I say this because most of my sugars during fermentation came from honey instead of strawberries. Infact I would be willing to say that 85% of my sugars came from honey.

I do plan on back sweetening my mead up with some sort of honey... The question is.. which kind??

BTW thats not a bad idea you stated for back sweetening a strawberry wine.
Fortified 16 bottles of the mead with 1.75 L of 95% grain alcohol. The ABV is around 23% right now. Added superklear. Im hoping that this will help tame the sweetness that has bothered me before.
Wow! You may have balance issues with it being that hot! I just bottled a vanilla Cin metheglin about a month ago, I aged for a year in carboy it finished a 13 percent. It is a dessert mead finished sg at 1.040
Fortified 16 bottles of the mead with 1.75 L of 95% grain alcohol. The ABV is around 23% right now. Added superklear. Im hoping that this will help tame the sweetness that has bothered me before.

Yeah you can put that case away for 5 years, for sure :)
Dunno if the grain alcohol will ever "marry" with the mead, but it should smooth out over time