Mosti Mondiale My First Most Kit

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Oct 14, 2009
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Kat bought a starter package from George as my Christmas gift. It's nice to have an extra set of tools in case my hydrometer broke, plus the new carboy is great as I can actually rack to glass now ;).
Anyway, this setup came with my first Mosti Mondiale Kit, a Sauvingon Blanc.
The directions are a little different from the Wine Expert Kit, Cellar Craft and RJS Kits that I've done in the past.
I've followed the directions and took my first SG reading and it's at 1.090. Temperature 73 deg. and Just pitched the yeast after rehydration for 15 minutes. In addition to this being my first Mosti kit, this is my first white wine.
I'm pretty excited. So far I've done a WE Vintners Reserve Bergamais, a RJS Orchard Breezin Blueberry Shiraz (yum yum) and I have a CC Grand Cru Malbec.
So, if you guys have any tips on white wines or the Mosti line, I would be glad for any advice. This will be my fourth kit, so I don't think I'm doing too bad for starting in October 2009.
Most of us don't follow the MM instructions and transfer to glass at 1.04. The addition of the yeast nutrient (and oak if any) seems to always cause a wine volcano. Just add the nutrient and oak (if any) into the primary at 1.04, snap the lid, add airlock and let it go to ~1.000. Then transfer to glass (including oak if any) and let it go for another 12 days. You should of course stir once a day to help with fermentation and oak extraction.
The yeast nutrient (if present) should be added to the primary and not to a carboy or you'll get the wine volcano that Chateau Michaelenamentions in the previous post. Matteo Meglioli had mentioned to me that the transfer to the carboy at that stage is to help compensate for a likely lack of yeast agitation during the previous days. If you are stirring the wine-in-making gently to kick up the lees, you'll be fine leaving the wine in the primary until it's down closer to 1.000 and you can add the yeast nutrient to the primary - this may produce a marked fizzing while you stir in the dissolved/suspended nutrient but you won't have to worry about wine foaming out of your carboy.
The Sauv. Blanc likely didn't come with oak, but just take notes and keep an accurate test of your specific gravity to see how the fermentation is going and I'm sure you'll do just fine.

- Jim
This kit came with no oak. I think I'm going to do as you say and add the nutrient at 1.04 in primary. Since it says to stir up the lees anyway it shouldn't matter much to leave it in primary that extra few days.
Thanks Mike.
Thanks for the additional information Jim. In primary, it shall stay.
I plan on stirring it every day to distribute the yeast.
It's just a bit different than other kit's I've made.
Ihave been quite pleased with the Mosti line of kits. They use a superior Bentonite that suspends much easier and their raw materials are good in comparison to other kits. Let us know how this kit turns out, especially the taste profile.

- Jim
I'll be sure to keep you guys posted. The yeast seems to be taking off well.
I'll put some photos up later on.
Today the SG is at 1.060. Maybe tomorrow I will add the nutrient if it hits 1.050 or lower. It's fizzing away. Been a bit cold here but been putting the brew belt on for the coldest parts of the night. I anticipate a little extra time in primary because of that.
My goal is no volcano. :)
He sg dropped pretty quickly on Thursday. Friday morning it was 1.035 I added nutrient to the primary last night. It's really taking off. Was bubbling like crazy this morning.
xanxer: I'm doing my first MM kit (or any kit for that matter!) and like the tips offered to you and I'll give them a try as well. I'm doing a Johannisberg Riesling and will let you guys know how I make out with mine. I just started the fermenting at 1.092. Gonna seal the primary tomorrow after letting it breath for the first few days. Like the idea of doing the nutrients in the primary - who wants a volcano? :)
Newbe here. I notice you're from Edinboro, PA. Lived in Erie for 10 years and made wine from grapes a few times. This is my first attempt at a kit wine and I noticed that you recomend leaving it in the primary until SG is close to 1.0
I started my MM on 1/10/10 It's the Caberlot. I'e stirred it daily and the SG is at 1.055 today. Should I add the yeast nutrient when @ 1.04 and leave in primary?? If I do that, should I add the oak after the first racking?

By the way, we moved to Charleston, WV 8 years ago and can't say I miss the weather
bdhall, I would recommend you follow the SG directions that came with the kit. Also I would follow the directions adding the oak also.
I have made this kit and it is a wonderful wine. Good luck!!
Just put the blanc into secondary. Been stable at .996 for 3 days. Added stabilizers as per instructions. degased with drill mounted mix stir.
If you follow the Mosti directions and transfer to carboy at ~1.04 I can guarantee you a wine volcano spewing cups and cups of your precious fruit du vin all over the floor after you add the yeast nutrient and oak.

Most of us modify the instructions and just leave it in primary (lid snapped and airlock in place). Add the nutrient and oak at ~1.04 in the primary and let it go until ~1.0, then transfer it ALL into secondary and let it go for ~ another 12 days or SG < 0.998 for 2 consecutive days.

Any questions feel free to ask or just do a search on "wine volcano"

Oh and welcome to the forums!

bdhall54 said:
Newbe here.  I notice you're from Edinboro, PA.  Lived in Erie for 10 years and made wine from grapes a few times.  This is my first attempt at a kit wine and I noticed that you recomend leaving it in the primary until SG is close to 1.0
I started my MM on 1/10/10  It's the Caberlot.  I'e stirred it daily and the SG is at 1.055 today.   Should I add the yeast nutrient when @ 1.04 and leave in primary??  If I do that, should I add the oak after the first racking?
By the way, we moved to Charleston, WV 8 years ago and can't say I miss the weather
Yeah, I left mine in primary until everything was added but the stabilizers. It sure bubbled like crazy when I added the nutrient.
Bottle this kit last week. Just put the labels on and stuck it in my treasure chest.
Looks great Xanxer, those labels look awesome but also look like they were a lot of work to cut out 30 of them! Nice job!
wade said:
Looks great Xanxer, those labels look awesome but also look like they were a lot of work to cut out 30 of them! Nice job!

Thanks. Those labels were from George. Kat bought them for part of my
XMas present (The kit and equipment) :) I've got an awesome fiance.