My first peach wine

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Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
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Since Christmas and with all the snow we have been getting I have had time to start steam juicing some of the fruit that we had frozen. I decided to start a batch of peach wine today. I also had time to make an F-Pack by reducing 5 qts. Peach juice to 1.5 qts. and canning it so as to have it ready when needed.

Here are a couple of pics



your gonna love it..i made my first peach wine w the help of joeswine, tepe and others...and it was a hit -al
Here's hoping it turnws out great for you. Make sure you have some pectic enzyme in it so it doen't brown any more. I can taste it from here.
I have made 2 batches so far this year from steamed pears. What yeast are you using and how much "juice are you using ? If you have not made yet add sugar to 1.085.
BTW I used Cote des Blancs yeast
I have a batch of Peach going right now also. Mine had no problems with clearing. (I have read about a lot that has). I used a little extra pectic enzyme.

I added a F-Pack, but I don't think I have enough flavor, So I think I am going to add some more. But I think this will turn out a pretty good wine.

Good luck with it Bob. Keep us posted.
Tepe, I used 12 qts. and my starting SG was 1.085. The 12 qts came from 30 lbs fresh frozen peaches. Another 15 lbs was juiced and made into an F-pack and canned for use later. My yeast choice was Cotes Des Blancs. The juice itself had an SG of 1.040 So it only took about 7 lbs. of sugar ( give or take a little ) to get the SG where I wanted.

Goodfella, I too added extra Pectic Enzyme . I'm pretty sure I'll have plenty of flavor for this one .

Yep! That should come out GREAT! Backsweeten and you will have an award winning wine!
Yeah.... It sounds like it. (30 lbs and 15 lbs)

I used 16 lbs for a 3 gallon batch, but ended up with closer to 4 gallons. So I am going to add a little more F-Pack and it should be OK. I also used Cotes de blancs.

Your pictures look incredible. (I can taste it)
Last night at around 10 PM I added the yeast starter to the must. At 10 AM this morning it was sizzling away happily.

Here are some pics


Of course my favorite sidekick helped out !!!

Last night I checked the SG and it was already down to 1.020 , so I racked to glass and the airlocks are clicking off bubbles about 1 every second.


I racked the peach off gross lees a couple days ago and it is already starting to clear.

Here's a pic


As soon as it clears I will rack again , add K-Meta & Sorbate, and my F-Pack.

On 1/29/10 I racked my peach, added an F-Pack and added Super Kleer

Here's what it looks like today


Wow... You got a great color on that one Bob. (Better than mine).

My Peach Port is that color, But my Peach wine is less orange.
I made my F-Pack by reducing 5 qts. peach juice to 1 qt. The color got pretty intense by doing this, but came out nice when added to the wine.

I can taste it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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