My Gizmo

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Senior Member
May 14, 2006
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Seems I see a lot of gadgets and gizmos to buy, and thought you would like to see my Gizmo!
What a sweet looking dog. Is he all St Bernard ormixed. His face looks mixed unless he's young yet. Nice dog, I like big dogs.
Gizmo is five years old. His father was a Great Pyrenees and his mother was a St. Bernard. He was the runt of the litter and he now weighs 145 pounds. He is very loving and lazy! He loves vegetables. When the tomatoes would ripen in the garden, and if you didn't get to them right away,they'd be gone the next day. Gizmo loves tomatoes, and cooked Brussels sprouts.

We usually shave all his hair off in the summer leaving the hair around his neck. He looks like a white lion when we get done.
Edited by: jsmahoney
Big dogs are fun until you have to pick up what they leave behind. Its amazing what comes out of them!
Excellent job of training. His business will never be noticed in the cattle lot!

BTW, beautifull dog. I, too, love big dogs. I used to raise German Shepherds, but now we have 2 minature Schnauzers (they don't shed!) Great dogs, but I always win when we wrestle. My last shepherd was 120 pounds and he ALWAYS won!
Gizmo..... better make sure you don't feed him after midnight. And make sure you don't let him get wet. I'd hate to think of being overrun by 100 dogs his size......(talking about Gremlins).
That's exactly whom we named him from. The face reminded us of the Gremlins appleman.
JS what a beautiful dog!! We currently have two very large Sib Huskys. Both would love to run in a sled dog race until it snows, then they whine at the door to come
Would love to see their picture kutya! I never would have thought of having a St. Bernard. He was a gift to my daughter in high school from her boyfriend. Of course he became family, and now is my baby since she is in the military. And, baby is right, but such a sweet one at that.
Thats whatthe father of my Rott looked like. Thats where he got the
Blue eyes, the tail, the thick fur thats always shedding, and the
roaming instinct. Those dogs are gorgeous. My parents used to have one.
She lived to be 14.
I thought he was a full blooded Rott! But now that you said that, he didn't have the brown eyes!
The older dog is 11, and he's still pretty active. Although he looks like a couch potato, he really does love to run. The best part about Siberians is they do not bark......
Our neighbor brought a dog back from Alaska for his is a HyBred...Husky X Wolf...he is all black with piercing blue eyes...He howls if you sing to him, then all the dogs in the neighborhood howl and that gets the adjoining dogs howling.....So we have much barking and dog yodeling around here...... Do your dogs howl like that????Edited by: Northern Winos
Now you've done it!! This is Dink at his first AKC win:


He's Mr. Tough Guy - all five pounds of him.

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