My gravity level

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Jul 26, 2012
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Started my wine on 8/1/12 today is 8/19/12 it's a blackberry wine my reading was 0.990 is it to late to add more sugar? It's my first large batch it's 20 gallons any ideas would be great thank you.
ARe you wanting to add more sugar to sweeten it some, or are you trying to bump the alcohol some? To sweeten it, you should wait a bit, rack it to a clean carboy, stabalize with k-meta and sorbate, let it sit for a few days and then you can add sugar to your taste. If you want to add to bump the alcohol, it mite take back off with a sugar addition. Mite need some energizer and nutrient, mite also need added yeast. This is assuming that the alcohol content is not so high it has killed the yeast off. Hope this helps, Arne.
Yes I want to bump the alcohol level up some the gravity is at 0.990 right now I'd like the level around 10 to 12% if possible , thank you
you say your gravity is now at .990, but what was your initial gravity at the beginning of fermentation?.... that might help us out a little more considering we don't know what your current alcohol percentage is and what you are trying to achieve exactly...
yep, we have to know the starting S.G. When we know that, and the ending S.G. which is 0.990 we can tell you what the approximate alcohol level is. Arne.