My Son’s Scout Eagle Project

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Aug 24, 2011
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I wanted to show off my sons Eagle project that was completed yesterday. This was done in a local forest preserve – the previous fire pit was just a hole in the ground with a couple of stones around it. We made the 6 backless benches prior to the project. Approx. 30 people showed up to help at 9 am and we finished at 3 pm. The fire pit consists of a 6 foot round culvert pipe and then landscaping brick around with a complete drainage system as well. He made and welded the fire grate himself.
It was a very proud moment for us and I wanted to share with you all.

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Steve, I think that is great and you should be very proud of your Eagle Scout. It is groups like that which give me hope for this country. Great work!
Great to see another eagle scout project come to fruition. I owe A LOT to my father and the countless hours he put in as scout master.


Awesomely nice and will last for years.
That's awesome! Over time a lot of memories will harken back to times spent around that fire pit.
Thanks for all the responses !!
I am very active in Scouts and extremely proud of my son and the project he took on.
I actually told him that I believe it was a little bit overboard.
His response was - well you cant do it 1/2 way - isn't that what you always had told me dad ?
Congratulations to you and your son and his mother. Nothing better for a father and son than to share scouting. Tell your son that my son credits his Eagle Scout Award with getting him in the college of his choice (U Texas Austin) and getting his job. The recruiters in charge of hiring my son actually was another Eagle Scout in charge of recruiting other Eagle Scouts. Your son has a bright future, but I'll bet you already know that.

Looks fantastic! Being from IL and traveling "up north" quite often, just wondering which forest preserve? Might have to throw a log on it some time in the future...

Joe R.
Thanks for all the responses !!
I am very active in Scouts and extremely proud of my son and the project he took on.
I actually told him that I believe it was a little bit overboard.
His response was - well you cant do it 1/2 way - isn't that what you always had told me dad ?

Your son is correct. You can't have vast progress with "half vast" effort.
Looks great Steve, I'm sure your son was able to log lots of leadership hours and inspire the younger boys with such a nice project. Here's a picture from my son's project, trust me it was a touch more involved than a single bench.

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Steve, you have given 100% to the scouts, from the conversations that we've had, I realize that you give 110% to your son and the scouts.
My hat is off to you my friend! Your son will never forget the times that you had together, I bet that he is as proud of you as you are proud of him.
God Bless you bud!

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