Need help with my wine

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Jul 27, 2013
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I just made a apple wine with 13 kg apples and I am sattisfied with the result and I have been very accurate with the prosess.
But I have a question.
When I was adding "clarification", I then waited a week++ and then I moved the wine to a new "container" (sorry my bad english :p)
The last wine with all that nasty stuff at the bottom, I put it in a jar and waited a week and then put this wine into the container again. I did this to get the most out of the wine.. I guess you know what I mean.
The jar was just about 1/3 full. And the wine was in the jar for about one week.
Did I hurt the wine anyway when I put this back to the container?
A week in 1/3 full jar may have caused some damage? I added svovel when I stopped tje yeasting..
Maby a silly question, but I had to ask.. I want to store this wine for many years.. I made 25 liters. So will tis wine I had in the jar that I putted back to the main container damage the wine in any way? :ft
It depends. Was the jar sealed od did it have an air lock?

Did the wine in the jar smell funny?

At a minimum, I would add a little k-meta just in case any harmful bacteria made into the jar.
I assume you let that jar of wine settle, then you took the clear wine off the top and put it back into your wine. Is that what you did?

If that's the case, it is a good thing to do. Like John mentioned, you do want to make sure the wine in the jar is still good before you use any of it.

Use a smaller jar next time, so it can be as filled as possible. I have several sizes of jars I use for that purpose. Be sure to sanitize that jar before you fill it, seal it with a lid, and place it in the refrigerator to keep it very cool while it settles.
Thanks for the answers.
I had a sealed cap on it so it was compeatly airtight. I have bottled the wine allready.
I did not smell it before putting it back to the container.
But I have opened a bottle now and it tastes ok. Only about two weeks since bottling so I guess it will taste better after a year.. But it tastes more than ok for now. I hope it will be fine for years.. Hope I didn't mess it up!
Thanks for the answers.
I had a sealed cap on it so it was compeatly airtight. I have bottled the wine allready.
I did not smell it before putting it back to the container.
But I have opened a bottle now and it tastes ok. Only about two weeks since bottling so I guess it will taste better after a year.. But it tastes more than ok for now. I hope it will be fine for years.. Hope I didn't mess it up!

I would not worry about that small amount of wine. Very unlikely it will cause any problem.

Yes, the wine will improve over time. When it is very young, it can be more tart. I have no idea how long an apple wine should last, but make sure you drink it before it starts deteriorating, which will eventually happen.

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