All right, I will show my age. The first computer I purchased had 256K (that's kilobytes) of RAM and a 27MB(that's megabytes) all incased in a desk for the mere price of $35,000! It ran like a top.
Now a days, we have gigabytes and terabytes and bloated code that doesn't seem to run any faster. I just bought a new computer for the store. 2 gigs of RAM and 80 gigs of hard drive space. It is a very functional unit, which is all I ask in a computer. I used to be into the biggest, fastest I could find, but since I don't do graphics and the database is in Arizona, I can't really justify the price.
I used to manage 7 servers, but that was in a past life and if I had to do it again, it would crash as I have forgotten it all. Too much wine on the brain and in the belly!