New Labels

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Mar 1, 2009
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Some wines I bottled today.



Labels look great. A good label and matching capsule really dress up a bottle don't they!
Thanks for all the comments everyone. I did change the font in the first one to all white as it shows up better than then black against the green.
I'm really jealous of the labels you guys create. Mine look downright amateurish (which, well I guess I am that) in comparison. I've really got to ramp up to the next level. These labels are outstanding.

One question. What's a simple way to get them all lined up properly on the bottles?
I have a bottling rack I lay the bottles on while applying the labels but there is no mark or string for applying all the labels in the exact same place. I just apply them by eye and don't worry about it. My bottles are all in racks, so there is no need to have them all look exactly the same.
While I am still looking for the perfect label jig (believe it or not I don't use a laser Dan!) I have found that a miter saw box works pretty darn good.

I lay the bottle in the center, place a short piece of 2x4 at the bottom to push the base up against and then I have 2 lines (one on each side) on the box ruler. One for a higher up label that can be used on Bordeaux bottles and then a lower line that is needed on my Burgundy style.

I used to use a small ruler to line up the marks but after doing several hundred bottles I can eyeball it just as well. I usually will initially just lay it (don't press down) on the "imaginary line" between the marks and check level once gain.

If its off I can easily pull it right back off and re-center if needed. Usually its pretty darn perfect with the first attempt.

herbenus said:
One question.  What's a simple way to get them all lined up properly on the bottles?