Day 8 sg 1.050 temp 78 degrees no more yeast matte. Flavor more subtle now alcohol starting to dominate taste. Not sure if I will use this type of yeast again.
Hi jasper
When you say subtle flavor is that the pineapple as well as coconut? The only pineapple wine I have had was very sweet and the pineapple flavor wasn’t really there. I thought it was bc it was so syrupy sweet. I wonder if pineapple is just subtle in wine no matter what ? Interesting following your progress !!
Have a good evening.
Day 10 sg 1.034 temp 76 over ripe fruit smell to the must today. If yeast are sluggish tomorrow i will add some nutrients. I am unsure about the yeast I used not having used it before. All other yeast I used the primary would have been done by now. Thinking about racking to secondary tomorrow due to the smell I noticed today. Pineapple flavor back a little stronger today taste is still good coconut fading more.
Rc212 has a high nutrient demand, i add full dose of fermaid k, half at the beginning and half at 9 brix drop, and then a half dose of fermaid o at 1.02, its abv tolerance is only 14% so you might want to feed it some nutrients if you want this to go dry. Rc212 will give off an h2s smell when it gets stressed.
I think if you want it to ferment all the way to dry, you may need to make a yeast starter with EC-1118 and step feed the must to it. 1.020 is at about 12% ABV from where you started and that is the low end of what RC212 is good for.