Water is the hole key ,a while back I started to decrease the volume of water per kit using the hydrometer as my guide; ex. 6 gallon kits at certain.price points did better with less water and still had good balance. (5.5) gallons to be exact
6 gallon moderate priced kits depending once again the concentration level ,I could reduce or not depending on how the hydrometer reacted.
So less is more it's just taken the manufacturer longer to catch up
Once you understand that and understand your wines profile it becomes easy, to do more with less not a lot of less but less.
The trick is always finding the balance between flavor , alcohol and finish.
what they're doing is increasing the concentration by removing more water .
Most of the kits made at cheaper price points do better when enhancements are added for that reason ( better balance). High priced kits are good almost as they are and required less enhancements so by reducing the water the structure of the wine should be better, don't worry about price the net result is you'll also get fewer bottles per kit.
Remember always to think outside the box, and less is always more, well thatsy story and I'm sticking to it.