I am looking for a recipe for Niagra concentrate, I did a search but did not find, I thought I read somewhere 12 can for 6 gallon, also read 18 cans for 6 gallons, help me if you can
I am looking for a recipe for Niagra concentrate, I did a search but did not find, I thought I read somewhere 12 can for 6 gallon, also read 18 cans for 6 gallons, help me if you can
The batches I've done have been for seconds of elderberry and blackberry ...
I've used the directions on the can and reconstituted to full strength. If memory serves correctly, you get 48oz from 1 can of concentrate. 1 11.5oz can + 37oz water ... (yeah, that's 48.5oz)
So, for 6g I used 16 cans of concentrate to make 6g of 1:1.
I figger this is the closest you can get to crushing/pressing niagara grapes.
I don't remember the numbers, so mix up 48oz worth and check acid and SG to figure acid/sugar additions for your target(s) and multiply by 16 for the full batch.
Frozen juice is 3 cans per gallon of wine.
Here is a basic recipe for any frozen concentrate.
Remember to check TA and SG before adding too much acid or sugar.
1 Gallon Recipe
3 cans of frozen 100% juice (only 2 cans if making raspberry)
1/2# sugar to start -check SG before adding more
adjust to 1080-1.090
2tsp of acid blend- TA .60
1tsp pectic anzyme
1tsp yeast nutrient
1/2 tsp bentonite- only for fast clear methods
water to make 1 gallon
yeast- Red Star Cote des Blanc or Premier Cuvee
1 campden tablet to be added later
1/2 tsp potassium sorbate to be added later
Go for it!! Lots of varieties to try.
Welch's tends to use white grape as a base
Old Orchard tends to use apple juice as a base
Just check for 100% fruit juice.