I have a cab franc that's been aging for a month and a half. So far I've only done gallon batches of fruit wine, this is in a three-gallon carboy. When I racked to the secondary vessel I was using a type of airlock I'm not familiar with, but then after racking changed it up to my usual S-type. Due to a broken auto-siphon I ended up having to sort of splash rack through a funnel into the carboy. I can see some small bubbles coming up in the carboy if I use a flashlight, but nothing seems to do anything in the airlock. Compared to other fruit wines which bubbled or at least caused an uneven split of the water in the airlock, there's been no action at all. I've checked and rechecked and it seems like there's a solid seal around the bung and airlock, but just no bubbling in the S-lock. Is there something off or is this fine? Is it possible that by my inadvertent splash racking I just ended up getting rid of any air bubbles?