Well summer is almost done and I was hoping some grape growers could comment on my new vines. I used no fungicides or insecticides, just manual JB removal. I planted them in mid May and removed the blue grow tubes at the end of July. First up is the Petite Pearl.

They took off fast and were out of the tubes by mid-July. Since then they have not grown much. They tend to be a little bushier than the Marquette and most are only 3 feet tall.
Next are the Marquette.

The Marquette lost most of the leaves that had been in the tubes. They started growing slower but really picked up speed in mid August. Now most of them are five feet tall and still growing. They tend to have one dominant cane.
Do these look normal? I expected more growth. I had read disease pressure probably wouldn’t be too bad the first year so I went with benign neglect. I watered three times during a prolonged dry spell but the vines never wilted or anything.

They took off fast and were out of the tubes by mid-July. Since then they have not grown much. They tend to be a little bushier than the Marquette and most are only 3 feet tall.
Next are the Marquette.

The Marquette lost most of the leaves that had been in the tubes. They started growing slower but really picked up speed in mid August. Now most of them are five feet tall and still growing. They tend to have one dominant cane.
Do these look normal? I expected more growth. I had read disease pressure probably wouldn’t be too bad the first year so I went with benign neglect. I watered three times during a prolonged dry spell but the vines never wilted or anything.