I like D47 a lot and use it alot, but for white wines. 212 is supposed to excel at keeping berry color and aromas for reds. Here are some saved notes i have regarding the 2 yeasts.
Lalvin BOURGOVIN RC 212 Dry 1105-02 Aged Reds, Young Reds 59-86° 14% Low
Lalvin ICV D-47 Dry 1080-02 Blush, Dry Whites, Sweet Mead 50-86° 14% Medium
I know it doesn't say much, but I figured cranberry would be a young red that I keep dry which is always my preference. It was other info from WMT that talked about keeping color and aroma. I had tried cranberry with 1118 and it really stripped out a lot of color and flavor. It looked like a blush, and I couldn't tell the berry. The 212 made a big difference. I could honestly tell this was cranberry wine. the color wasn't deep dark red, but glowed like a garnet. It was honestly an awesome wine, but a bit thin on body and a one note on flavor. That's why I want to add raisins and bananas next time.
BTW I really like QA23 for white wines also. It's pretty much my go to now since it has 16% alch tolerance, and I'm prone to lots of fpaks for flavor during final stages of my wine. I found that I need the higher alch or else it turns into cooler territory. Just my personal style that I've adapted to,
Pam in cinti