Nuclear Apple/Pepper Wine

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Well the SG ont the Apple/Pepper was at .995 tonight and the smell from the wine thief was outstanding and pungent- so..... put a little in a wine glass to make sure it isn't spoiling(yeah, that's the excuse I'll use). Swirl it aroung a little to brin up the aromas- hell, it burned my nose hairs out! Oh well they needed trimming anyway! Next the taste test- just a little sip- WOW, the flavor is great - two drops on the tongue..maybe three..... The taste is really good! Just don't overdo it. The taste and heat lingers on the tongue.........
I think this will make a pretty good sipping wine and a great cooking wine.

"Hey Joe!", (my oldest son-27) "You want to try some of this wine?"
"Sure Dad" ...sip.... "Oh My God- that's pure death!" he says"But boy it tastes good!"

I think this one will be interesting. be continued......
Sounds great bud, From everything I've ever heard the peppers usually mellow over time. I am almost hoping not, I think this wine will be a real winner. My spiced apple is dry and I am trying to be patient while waiting for it to clear, it's been a long wait so far. I've never had apple take so long to clear, although this was the first time I have ever used organic juice. Have you ever had trouble getting your apple wines to clear?

Pete the apple usually clears well, but does take some time normally. I do add Pectic enzyme to aid clearing. This batch is dropping sediment like crazy already. You can see the line of darker wine moving down from the top. I'm thinking of trying a batch of Jelly from the bottle I had set aside. I do think it should be cut a little for that though.
I used pectin enzyme but it still is taking it's sweet time. I'm thinking if it doesn't make any better progress by the end of next month, fining my be in order.

PeteEdited by: paubin
Sounds like you have brewed yourself a winner appleman. I know my habanero started out fiery hot but did mellow considerably later on. How about some pics of it?

Your apples and peppers are gorgeous! Good luck with your wine. It sounds very interesting!

Appleman, your Apple Pepper wine sounds great. I made a gallon of Apple/Jalapeno wine this year, I did notuse the seeds though. It is a good sipping wine, and I have used it ina couple of chili recipes.
I racked the Apple/ Hot Pepper Wine again today. It doesn't take your breath away anymore when racking, but when I dumped the carboy- it was like a volcanic blast up the nose!
I had to taste it so I put a few teaspoons in a cup. I sipped about a teaspoon- very tasty, but it has a lot of heat! I think this one will make a great cooking wine/hot sauce. It might also do for a sipping wine in very cold weather. It kept me hot for a half hour after that one sip!
Since a few of you have been making a hot pepper wine, I thought I would revive this old thread from Appleman, now known as grapeman after I pulled out all the apple trees and replaced with a vineyard.

In case anyone wonders, I still have a few special bottles of this left in 375s for special occasions and man is it good now!

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