Chapter 3.
Wonderful Alaska trip - but the next day did not feel tooooo well so went to the doctor. After checking everything, he decided I needed more!!! So, that week lots more testing and on Friday after a nuclearstress test and cardiac sonogram I was given the 'news'. A 99% blocked right coronary artery and a low output heart (ie: pump). So Monday am was in Bakersfield Heart Hospital for an angiogram and then a 3/4" stent was installed. I am completely open now!!!! yeh!!!
But, the low output heart can not be repaired except with diet and exercise - maybe, but probably not!!! Every one who reads this post there is what is called and ejection fraction rating for your heart. Most people are between 50-80. Mine is 23. So, cannot lift over 25-30#'s and must stay below 4000 feet elevation. Bummer - our High Sierra Annual Fishing trip is the end of October - this is 7500-10500 feet so that is out. Lots of thin air up there and not good for a weak heart (pump). And, we were going to Lake Tahoe after Christmas this year for a family thing!! Nope, gotta go somewhere else.
Anyway, here is a news broadcast for you all - MY LOW OUTPUT HEART PROBLEM WAS CAUSED BY LIFESTYLE!!!!! EATING TOO MUCH AND NOT WATCHING WEIGHT - HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE FOR YEARS - HIGH GLUCLOSE READINGS AND NOT TAKING MY MEDICATIONS PROPERLY. I was not a pill popper and always thought this was for somebody else. Hummmmm - well guess what? Got caught!!!
But, the GOOD NEWS, is that it was caught in time - with 99% - a heart attack or stroke could have happened at any second. So, after all this - I have not missed any medications - period and have lost over 30 pounds!!! I want to lose another 30 and i will be happy.
I want to thank the Lord for this warning and another chance to do lots of things differently. But, if He would have decided to take me in Alaska - I was with my son and best friend. Could not thought of a better place.
ANYWAY, in anyone decides to take my advice and look at yourselves differently and take care of some issues - then this post was worth every second in preparing. God Bless You all, my forum friends. I am glad to still be here.!!!!
Anybody have any questions, please PM me.
Next chapter, Harvest.
And I have been contemplating not getting my ole ticker fixed. Jist ride it out...guess I better get off that horse and go ahead and go see the Doc huh ??