Oh wow, How long have I been here?

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Arctic Contributor
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score

I just realized I have been a member in here for over three years.

I dont participate in any other forums, of any kind, and don't even do Facebook.

But I have really enjoyed being a part of THIS group since the begining, and hope to be for all the future.

I wonder if Wade has a record of any of us who have been around since then, and who are stil "active" members.

I sure miss some of those who dont come in often.

Every time I hear about New Zeland, I think of St, Allie. I hope life is finding her happy.
The part of this place that tickles me is how nice everybody is about answering questions. Even if they have been answered a hundred times before they get answered without berating the people for not finding the answer elsewhere. I have asked some of the same old questions and get answers, usually in a hurry. Glad to see you back. People show up on here, disappear for a while and then come back. Take care, Arne.
I've been here since Nov 2006. 5 years.

At that point I was still running the store (till Sept 2007).

I'm still here because if the people. I've never gotten a "use the search function moron" reply.

I was on other forums and it's that attitude that made me stop going there.
Rarely does a question go unanswered on here.

Being an addictive hobby and so many little things to learn beyond the basics I'm surprised anyone leaves :)

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