Chardonnay Fleur d'Oranger 2023-24
This is my last Sheridan Vineyard Chardonnay 2023 71B ferment blend in a glass with Fresco Australian Orange Muscat. We added citric acid to the Chardonnay because 71B yeast made it a bit flat. I'll bottle 4 Orange Muscats on their own. I'll test the sulphite in a 50/50 blended 30 bottle carboy and put it back into my cooler.
Tasting comments from a blend in a glass:
Appearance - clear, deep, lemon yellow
Smell - good creamy, muscat nose
Tannin - good
Acid - good for my palate. My wife may find it a bit tangy right now.
Flavour - this is tasty and fragrant with a good finish. It should improve as it ages and citric acid esters develop with malic acid and tartaric acid esters and the acid drops a bit. I'd rate it as very good right now. I'll try to age it at least 3 years after I bottle it around Easter 2025.
Pacific Chardonnay 2021-2022
This is Brehm frozen California 2021 Chardonnay juice in a pail and cut with russet cyser about 85/15. The Chardonnay was a bit tangy and buttered popcorn like without any Sonoma or Carneros like fruit cocktail smell that I love in really good California Chardonnay. So I hit the Chardonnay my apple honey wine from my organic russets ground and pressed with unpasteurized blueberry blossom honey. This worked!
Colour - deep yellow
Smell - very nice and complex - bananas, lychees, pears, honeydew melon
Tannin - good
Acid - good
Flavour - rich, complex Chardonnay with a really nice aftertaste. This will age. I have 7 left so will let them age for at least 3 years in my cooler (i.e. open one every 6 months or a year). I rate it as very good right now. The Russet cyser spike seems to have improved it a lot.
Cyser 2023
Appearance - clear yellow gold, very slightly petillant
Smell - honey smell is dominant, complex interesting nose:
Tannin - good from the russet apples
Acid - good
Flavour - intense cyser. very pleasant. I've made this year's cyser from homegrown Cox apples (for the first time ever) plus unpasteurized blueberry blossom honey plus a blend of 4 homegrown white wine grape varieties to make a Cyser Pyment, and then used the russets with my son in law's Okanagan Macintosh apples to make an apple wine. He made a Macintosh cyser with the same honey that I used.
Chardonnay Viognier 2023-24
This is a 50/50 blend of Sheridan Chardonnay fermented with 71B yeast and Fresco Chilean Viognier juice fermented with D47 yeast.
Here are my comments on this blend:
Appearance - clear deep lemon yellow
Smell - buttered popcorn and limes
Tannin - good
Acid - good
Flavour - Right now this is the weakest of the 3 Sheridan Chardonnay blends I made. It needs time in my cooler, in bottles to become more complex. It actually improves on airing in a glass. Right now I'd rate it as "good" with the potential to become "good-very good".
I'd tap that... but I have never come across it. Where do you get it in your neck of the woods?
World Market has carried it.
Don't even know what that is.World Market has carried it.
https://www.worldmarket.comDon't even know what that is.
It's mostly overpriced furniture and junk. However, the one local to me has a decent wine selection at reasonable prices, nice coffee selection, low priced spices, and a variety of foreign (to USA) snack food stuffs. I go each November to buy stocking stuffers for the family.
It's not a regular stop for me, except once in November. Most of the products are not of interest, and a lot are overpriced.Yeah, I Googled it. Nearest store is like 2-1/2 hours away. Shrug. The truck brings the wine just fine.